Boneyard Rendezvous

Wife and I are fully vaccinated with boosters, kids are vaccinated.

In this encounter, only the police actually killed someone.

They were forced to restart it by Court order.

The loophole is to charge the teens with the cop hitting the pedestrian. It’s the way they’ve been passing blame on terrible policing for year. Just like if police engage in a shootout with a suspect and the police shoot bystanders.

The cop wasn’t even part of the chase, he just floored it to be a part of it too. Bored idiot seeking excitement, and he killed a man.

Why the fuck would you engage in a high speed pursuit on a vehicle with a lo jack?


calling it, police will face no accountability, but the guys who stole the car will get charged with murder. 

Any chance you could chime in at a meeting for content creators to stop it with the slideshows?

Is the inventor of the Gizmodo slideshow on the list?  Asking for a friend.

This series has become too overwhelming for me and I have to bail out. I like the characters and I like the villains and all, but making this a cross-media event with a billion different spinoffs became immediately exhausting. By the time the second adult book came out, you already had to have consumed so much other

Why is it that every time Kinja seems to fix something, it breaks something else?

Oh for fuck’s sake. Very few people would tell their brother to own his behaviour or seek counselling, or they might tell them to get counselling while ALSO doing everything in their power to help their brother not lose their job or go to jail. Especially when said brother’s fall from grace would also inevitably

On the contrary, I personally appreciate the candor of his email. Every company sugarcoats (to use his word) major issues like this, and will continue to do so until one day they call you into a meeting to let you know you don’t have a job. I would MUCH rather see emails like this updating staff beforehand rather than

Most likely didn’t have his mask on either... act of terrorism for sure.

An ETH transaction has two energy footprints: the energy spent to execute the transaction, and the energy spent to validate the transaction.

8 reasons not to justify it:

Another terrifying effect of climate change: The rise of Slideshows. If you look back at the history of the earth, Slideshows only started as the earth reached its most recent, warmest peak. Scientists are unsure whether it’s a cause or effect but most climate scientists agree, banning Slideshows is another arrow in

Stop victim blaming someone who was killed by a negligent driver. Jesus christ.