Boneyard Rendezvous

I watch them ONLY because they are petite, large breasted women in short skirts and tank tops. I think if that changes too much, nobody is going to care about them anymore.

I thought they would be using hollow cornstalks already.

Having that option would be very reassuring. Hopefully the US can be progressive for once and import this technology.

I assume your predecessor stepped down over the slideshow debacle. 

He didn’t murder anybody. That part was proven in court.

Guns don’t just “go off” on their own.

West Taiwan is getting uppity.

No legal ground to hold them, completely voluntary stay, yet still they got arrested.

18MW diesel electric generator to drive the electric motors.

I own a handful of land down a dead end road, sandwiched between a protected nesting site and public hunting. Its also the local dumping ground for unwanted pets. The dogs I can usually bride with food and I’ll take to the shelter and lose the $50. Cats I shoot on sight. I have too much wildlife to make traps work, so

I bet he didn’t have the mandatory 8 shots of covid vaccines.

He was probably outside breaking quarantine, filthy criminal.

How did that shitstain not get strung up first?

Halon is used in places where the equipment is more important than the people running it. It was still heavily used in the military when I was still in. They said it was easier to train a new person to run the machine than it was to get a new machine deployed.

All of my work accounts have the easiest shit passwords I can remember. If I didnt have to change them every 2 months with changing requirements, I’d spend the time to use something effective. Instead, I have to unlock my computer every time I walk away for too long, and then all the programs I use get locked as well.

How much orbital debris do we need to generate to offset global warming? There has to be an upside to this.

And how many private jets were flown there, I wonder?

With an infinite number of rocks falling on an infinite number of keyboards, anything is possible.

The Earth Is Getting Dimmer
The Rotational Poles Are Shifting
Earth’s Crust Is Shifting
The Tundra Is Exploding
Crabs Are Getting Bigger
Bigger Arctic Waves Are Messing With Clouds
Gravity Is Shifting
Sea Level Rise Will Get Worse... Because of a Lunar Wobble
Icequakes Are a Thing, Too
American Rivers Are Changing Color

Fuck your slideshows.
Not your’s personally, but slideshows on kinja as a whole.