I live in SC, so I hear the flag “heritage” bullshit all the fucking time. These yokels think it’s cool to be subtly racist, but guys like King mainstream it.
I live in SC, so I hear the flag “heritage” bullshit all the fucking time. These yokels think it’s cool to be subtly racist, but guys like King mainstream it.
The women writers leave for a day and already the men of this site can’t stop talking about their dicks.
*Almost always in rape cases.
His Insta handle is Suacyde...
He seems cool.
His defense is basically internet trolls saying she deserved this because she’s a porn star.
Under these facts, it is a defense that will get destroyed in court, and any competent attorney knows this. It is really odd that the attorney is drawing attention to himself when he should know that he’s going to lose.
Back in January, a judge ruled that testimony concerning Mack’s rape fantasies would be allowed at trial. In a pre-trial hearing, War Machine’s defense attorney Brandon Sua made it clear what the tone of the questioning would be:
fuck you and your cauliflower ear, trash human.
And this is what pisses me off about his bullshit Born Again crap
I seriously doubt there are a lot of fantasies out there that involve being beaten so badly that you need reconstructive surgery.
Do “rape fantasies” count after you break up with the person and have moved on ? Did she have a death fantasy too because he almost fucking killed her. This is atrocious.
I really don’t want to know what sort of thoughts count as justification for attempted murder.
He almost killed her, but has no regret because he doesn’t see her as human. I’m disgusted.
1.) First, good on the prosecution for going for an attempted murder charge and not merely assault.
victim blaming, you get what you want???? or is he going to use insanity plea??
The old “My client is a piece of shit, but look at her, she seems bad too, right????” defense. Works every time *
Nice how he barely ever mentions the horrific injuries he caused to Mack. “Poor choices” my ass. No regret because he obviously has none. PUT HIM IN PRISON FOR LIFE.
“...two people “damaged” by insecurities.”
This is why I reject the critique that liberals focus too much on ‘social issues’. Inexpensive birth control and access to legal abortions have huge impacts on the economy!