
Lol that your biggest offense is using the word “cunt.” Nice try

No, you’re not.

I lost my premie baby, too. It’s more common than any of us think.

You don’t like when family forsakes family? Kind of like the victim’s mother forsaking her daughter’s safety in order to protect the rapist?

In what world is “it was all a hoax” the Occam’s razor of this crime?

This is the hottest of all Dude Takes (tm)

You seem to have a lot of issues with the disabled community. That's ... an odd choice.

The story isn’t invalid, but the context of the release of this movie (i.e. a world with little representation in the media of individuals with disabilities, and a society where a lot of well-meaning people genuinely think that living with a disability is a fate worse than death) is such that I totally get why

But when was the last time their was a disabled protagonist of a major studio release? Isn't this a pretty rare occurrence? Particularly for a romance?

You don’t see why the perspectives of people with disabilities should be given “special weight?”

I just think it’s unfortunate that this fictional story chose to go with the “disabled people are better off dead” trope.

I saw this preview and thought “Cool! A romance with a disabled protagonist.”

Agreed, the disabled community has had a stranglehold on Hollywood for far too long!

Wow. You're really angry at feminism. Are you divorced?


Even if it was a joke, can you imagine anything more inappropriate for your lawyer to say to you? Shudder.

are you satire...?

People used to say he was playing a character and wasn't actually that racist in real life. I was like... you sure about that?

My doctors told me babies usually lose a significant amount of weight in the first week, then gain it back by the end of the second week, approximately.

Way to belittle the women's soccer team, bro!