
Honestly, I would not support a total ban like this for universities. Rehabilitation, when done long term and properly tailored to the person, is something that I support (its also an important part of the concept behind our criminal law system- it is not solely punitive), but I also think that severely limiting

I’m assuming that this is referencing the unwillingness to prosecute young men for sexual assault, and liking it on that basis!

... because they want to get people with that raw, unformed raping talent and mold it into the Indiana model?

I’m thankful for the addition of this new article, but Assistant Commandant Gen. Walters is correct in that the Marines United scandal is a systematic issue. I’ve had many of my male counterparts tell me that distrust and even hate of female Marines (often referred to as ‘wooks’) is taught to them by their male drill

So what you’re saying is that you’re pro-revenge porn? And Marines should have no protections at all because they should be badasses. Cool. That’s a scorchin’ hottake.

Isn’t that covered in the very next sentence?

I’m happy that they’re taking this measure to improve things, though I question the wording of some of this.

I think it’s a win because he won’t be on TV spouting BAAAAARELY disguised racist garbage to everyone’s grandparents every night. Not that Carlson is all that much better, but he’s got a smaller following than O’Reilly. Anything that hurts Fox News hurts the propaganda machine, and on that front, I think it’s a solid

He’s losing a large platform to spew his particular brand of hate. He’ll never have as much exposure again. He’ll still write books and collect speaking fees but for someone with his ego that won’t be enough. It does suck that he’ll  get a buy out from Fox. I’m hoping some of these women go after him in civil court

Oh absolutely. But most abusers think they are blameless, that’s part of how they are so good at victimizing new people. Sandusky still believes he was expressing love and caring to lost boys. Cosby thinks those women were into him and he was just helping them relax. And all of these men were surrounded by people who

I’m surprised he hasn’t blamed rap music, TV, his parents, Jews, libtards or the Easter Bunny yet. Honestly surprised.

I work in a DNA lab, testing sexual assault kits and other stuff. Do I sometimes think some of them are a waste of time, given the details of the offense? (As in, I know we’re not going to get anything from them, like if they got the kit a month after the fact) Of course. BUT I DO MY FUCKING JOB.

noun nui·sance \ˈnü-sən(t)s, ˈnyü-\
an annoying or troublesome person, thing, or situation

You’re forgetting that women are to blame for domestic abuse. These are laws to protect the true victims, men. /s

Or, more realistically, they were doing okay but somehow thought that they were magically going to be become rich under Trump.

Or, more realistically, they were doing okay but somehow thought that they were magically going to be become rich under Trump.

This perfectly encapsulates the GOP supporters voting against their own interests. “Well sure but I’m one of the good [women/immigrants/gay people/Muslims/etc] so obviously they aren’t talking about me when they explicitly say they want to harm my specific group.”

The economy? Sounds like they weren’t doing so bad personally. So she voted to fuck herself over for a bunch of people she probably doesn’t even know? Or, more realistically, they were doing okay but somehow thought that they were magically going to be become rich under Trump.