
No, that is the definition of a disputable fact. They have 65 million users because so many people have had Steam for so long. I have had steam for 10 years — there are games on greenlight and ones on the horizon at cutting-edge PC fidelity. STEAM OS is not a console. It is a set-top PC box that IS a PC.


Keep in mind that these are OEM systems that still function as normal PCs. I don't think salesmen will really play that big of a part because there doesn't HAVE to be a huge rollout. Steam as a service is HUGE and trusted by a lot of people for offline and online play. Lots of new MMOs launch with concurrent frontends

A salesperson has no problem appealing to a confused customer — they just try to sell them the most expensive and the layperson assumes it is higher quality to match the higher cost. The statement of 65 million and microsoft's console needing to 'catch up' is due to existing users.

You have a hard time seeing who a set-top PC with low to high-end specs would be for? I am sorry, but it doesn't seem like you know who would pay money and for what. People _already_ pay exorbitant sums to play Call of Duty and upgrade their video card, or get a new console with those titles eating up the bulk, if not

I love to sing-ah

No, exercise is life it is the only thing that keeps me from BURNING ALL OF THIS SHIT TO THE GROUND! YOU HEAR ME!

*Plays DDR*

I didn't. I am so glad it wasn't Mario Galaxy 3.

Though, it's 'good' is a matter of defying your training. For people who grew up playing mario, SM3DL was insultingly easy, but a person I work with had a lot of trouble with it. He didn't have any instincts as to where coins of different types would be hidden.

Bioshock: Infinite seemed very drunk on itself. I know that for design and AAA sensibility to payoff that creators tend to ape the classical greek format of the stage and screen, but it had such a lack of impact. It handled racial politics with so much hubris and the undertones of abuse and imprisonment seemed so

Filthy casuals, man.

No, it's still a shame you waited. You should have played this game a while ago — it definitely deserve to be played. I say that and I got it free on PS+ this past May. You will play through it so fast — it's just a lot of fun.

Sleeping Dogs, YAY!

Now playing

I can't believe nobody posted the best song from the W-i-R soundtrack.

So funny, I had just downloaded RE5: Gold last night from my PS+ library and spent the morning playing a few — I left the game open and laughed as people got frustrated with my noob weapons and awkwardness with controls. I have the hang of it again, not like there is a lot of finesse involved.

They really don't get paid enough to put up with that kind of crap.

For me it was Dragon Quarter on the PS2. I just couldn't get enough.

I wonder what is more traumatizing at this point: a child finding the images, or the adult reaction to those images. The resulting circus, scrutiny of media, classmates and parents. Oh, and the phone calls to walmart — the yelling and screaming.

cue chitty chitty bang bang music.

Yes, these kids have it so tough.

Now I finally have an excuse to play it.

I don't use MS Points and I hate Bing — it can't literally buy my love either. I simply use an adblock and google, for the limited use I put it through, is more than adequate. That's a lot more than I can say about Bing any time I have used it or been forced (ugh!) to use it.