That story played me like a damn fiddle. Dammit, Ricky.
Excellent! Now if only it also played Gilbert and Sullivan.
Vonnegut called it Ice-9.
wtf, I'd have bought this
Eh. I hesitate at the "THESE KIDS TODAY" argument. Every single person and every single generation has always thought their generation (or the one immediately after theirs) was the worst one to ever happen.
I try not to get bogged down geography in terms of defining it.
To me it's more of a stylistic breakdown of drawing (enlarge eyes to make it easier to add detail, decrease the simplify mouths and noses because they're easy to push animations into the uncanny valley), and other common attributes of the genre.
Converted. Thanks guys.
I randomly picked this game up when it came out, and I gotta say I'm really diggin' it. My boyfriend is a huge Greek mythology buff, so it's fun for him to watch me play (I also like hearing the backstory behind all the lore and whatnot) and the gameplay is surprisingly deep with more weapons and combat mechanics than…
I literally thought that is what the lede was referring to. Imagine my disappointment.
"the scanlines look like shit". there, saved you from commenting about it. Note that if you're playing through an emulator, they're entirely optional.
As one of those kids who witnessed—and then lost his mind over—the premiere of Robotech in the West back in the early 80's, I just want to say two things:
As a Souls fanatic and a (currently) non-next gen owner, I think this will push me towards finally buying a PS4 rather than an XOne. However, I think the most complimentary to my PC (which, lets face it, is better to own than either console right now) would be the WiiU.
Might be my favorite so far, just for the devil-may-care hop at the end.
They actually got it right in V2! Skip to 25 seconds in for the fun stuff
The game's connections are just SO BAD. It's horrible UI stuff in what is honestly a great game.
I'd be more excited for this game if it wasn't for Dark Souls 2 next week. I'm getting both but I have a feeling I will still be obsessively playing DS2.