Imagine all that time wasted reading books, writing articles and watching movies (of amazing and questionable quality).
Imagine all that time wasted reading books, writing articles and watching movies (of amazing and questionable quality).
Yeah it's OBVIOUSLY because she didn't do enough?
I am just refuting your arguments — I am not saying what he is doing doesn't piss people off, because it obviously does. I am saying that I respect him for it because it's a legitimate way to make money (at least for now) and he does it well.
The workings of a marketplace are a lot different than comparing a cheater to a murderer for hire, the two are incongruous. One is a statement of fact since there are ALREADY competitors in selling cheats for multiplayer games — there is no slope, it's a freaking plateau.
Nice slippery slope argument
The only part of your comment that I agree with is an algorithm that puts similarly-skilled players together.
The fun is being able to shoot people in the face and doing it well — cheating isn't playing like a God, it's cheating like a talentless douche and addictive. It's quantitative instead of qualitative, but most people are too self-absorbed to know the difference.
Yeah no one ever cheats on the 360.
Someone needs to go play doom. he can iddqd idkfa all he wants — anyone that does similar online is just a dick that wants to exchange the skill that comes with hard work and dedication for a single button press — it's typical antisocial rationale.
The simple truth is that they really aren't — not even in the sense of them becoming 'lightbulb' technology. Really, they are just the first to make it in the living room and have yet to truly overstay their welcome like, say, cable tv vs. streaming over the internet.
I even go so far as to divorce them from Christianity altogether — they are cults of personality.
Rick Warren didn't invent prosperity gospel; you can thank the mainstream popularization of it through televangelists like Billy Graham. Nowadays being a 'man of god' is about endorsements, jets and elevating yourself above; really, that's the truth of the American dream.
Joel Osteen (OWHNI) endorses a church here in Texas called 'Destiny' (oh, the prestidigitation runs deep), and it no matter what they are preaching about, it ALWAYS comes back to money.
Oh, the prosperity movement and it's constant preaching about how God will shower you with wealth like a magical triune slot machine.
See the cat. See the cradle.
Am I the only one that found Ender's Game a bit...empty? It would be better if I had read it in my adolescence or something, but I never really found it truly compelling.
Brown man vs. white men~
Hey, a few good PC games came out, JOIN THE MASTER RACE!
heh, Jesus couldn't figure out if it was a simile or metaphor.
Go pick up a copy of shadowrun for xbox 360, or chromehounds etc etc.