
Thanks! Wow, I should have gotten the picture earlier and just given up. Im all but sure this commenter commented with 3 other accounts in this chain as well.

Why does the gender of the person who killed HIMSELF (thereyago) change the context of the argument? Would it be more understandable if the teacher was female? Was it for the female teachers charged?

Do you really think the gender of the person is enough to change the context of my arguments reasoning? "Woman = well thats worth thinking about. Male = Who cares!"

The canada statement had to do with age. I conceed I wasnt aware of the specifics of Canada law, but my comment was questioning US hardline 18 = mature dynamics in the law.

Your a liar and I didnt. Its right there, plain as fucking day. You, like a lot of others here, just didnt read it. Dont blame me for your choice to respond without reading the comment.

Jesus fucking christ. I never said teens should be having sex with adults. WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU ARGUING YOUR ASSUMPTION of what I am saying rather than just fucking responding to what I am saying. Its like arguing with an ex over the phone.

No. Its a felony, but NOT a sex crime in Texas unless they were under age (17). We dont know the age of the victims but we do know, as far as the story has been reported, no stat rape charge has been given. Another commenter pointed that out and posted the law (check the full comment chain).

Didnt read the WHOLE comment, did ya? Dont feel bad, you arent alone. Apparently no one on Jez reads past the first two sentences. Note where I said THIS:

Apparently it already is 17 in Texas, so the point is moot. Also, the 'fuck someone your own age' argument makes sense, but then you have to question why its not illegal for a 40 year old to fuck a 20 year old.

Why do you keep replying to me in different handles?

No. Everyone read the 1st two sentences. No one read where I said

Jeebuz christ. DID NO ONE read to second paragraph?

Im not getting that first (very long) sentence.

That is kinda what I was trying to convey, but the responses...geez. Half the people did not read past the first sentence. The other half seem to be arguing as if Im saying "theres nothing wrong with students having sex with teachers", which I expressedly said to the contrary.

The suicides might be explained by stat rape charges/sex offender status that would have ensued.

So you didnt even read the FIRST sentence, did you? I gave a "related but not directly on topic disclaimer

Problem solving/self awareness is NOT what I'm talking about.

It sounds like we agree. Im saying 17 is as arbitrary as 18.

Also, to press your argument further (again, not advocations either way from me), why should sleeping with a 17 yr 364 day old person = rape, but an 18 year and 1hr person = not? Not from a legal standpoint. Im looking for the validations for the law. Why should or shouldnt it be? Again, not advocating, Im seriously

Thats a fair assessment, it could have been his career. Or it could be the stat rape charge (it probably isnt tho, in that Ive been informed by several comments that the AOC in Tx is moot point I guess).