
Hey dumbass, MY ORIGINAL POINT was that the article (and it author it mentions) is wrong.

Funny you say that, because at least two other commenters (born BEFORE YOU) in this chain have said that part of VA was one of the LAST parts to desegregate.

Gotta love the legion of people that moved to Northern VA (or anywhere else in the south) in the last 25 years, dumb enough to think it was just as progressive in the 1960s.

Yes, lets all pretend NORTHERN VIRGINA was a total racial mecca for tolerance and understanding...IN 1965.

Soooooo, you say Im wrong because I did not have definitive proof, even though you ALSO have no proof?

Most of virgina was still segregated into the early 70s, like every other southern state. Hell, a good amount of Kentucky and even Maryland were back then. We arent talking NVA 2014. Were talking 1965.

From what I know, Virginia was barely half desegregated as late as 1970. Im looking it up as we speak, but its not as easy to find as you are saying.

I dont know how much stock I put into Paspatis's claims.

It a console. If the game is still broken 10 months out on 2 of the 4 consoles it was released in, that speaks horribly for the company and the programmers.

What kinda crap rig am I playing on?

How is that EA fanboyism working for ya? Did you pay for a premium BF4 position? Did you get fucked over a barrel like every person who bought that game (the china rising maps and the naval strike maps are the ONLY sets that even work, the damn vanilla maps freeze 1 out of 3 plays)?

THIS comment is exactly what happened. Sadly, BF fans are like lemmings marching toward the EA cliffs. They fall for it time after time.

If Jon is lYannas son, then he would look like a stark. Also, the numerous descriptions of Lyanna having post-birth complications as the cause of death (bed of roses and blood = blood from birthing hemorrhaging) and the fact that after he returns from that battle he has a Jon with him lean towards him being a Targ.

I dont know if I read that wrong, but this version of the fan theory seems based in the SHOW, not the books.

Just asking...why is everyone assuming she isnt lying? I mean, lying is UBER common in custody battles. Are we just taking her word, because...(I really dont want to have to say it)?

The shitty standards of Vegas clubs makes me wonder why more people dont boycott them. If you are not attractive enough or the wrong ethnicity (usually black, latino, south asian, middle eastern), they make excuses to deny you service.

Sorry, I meant White OR Jewish OR conservatives. My shitty way of typing it makes it seem like I meant all those things together.

I found it. The title threw me off, because the Redguard looks super 'euro'. I recognize that is a skin for female redguards in the game, but the skin is basically a 'european' with dark skin. I withdraw my criticism and offer apologies.

Most Americans arent. We live in a freaking country where 1/4th of the population thinks the sun goes around the earth. IM NOT EVEN PARAPHRASING. This country has a lot of dumb motherfuckers that think they are smart.