But it does have to do with AOC in the fact that I assumed the suicide was to avoid the stigma of being a sex offender from a statutory rape charge.
But it does have to do with AOC in the fact that I assumed the suicide was to avoid the stigma of being a sex offender from a statutory rape charge.
14. No. But 17 and then 18? Im not saying it is or isnt, but a clarification as to "where the line is and why its there" should be made. As I said, 17 year olds are no more mature than 18 year olds.
Not really suffering. More like "laughing, and then grimacing that so many fucking people reply only after reading the first two sentences".
As I said, "Im NOT advocating it. Nor am I saying authority figures should get a pass for using their power to get sex with their students."
he brain develops until the late 20s early 30s, but the primary development (problem solving, self awareness) is done by the late teens.
That.....is a very good point!
You did not read the whole comment, because your reply was in ignorance of my statement I made in that very comment:
I would say personality and values are developed socially. Im a TOTALLY different person, personality wise, than I was at 25. I was different then than I was at 17.
Your second 2 link is an abstract. Your 3rd relates to aspiring pedifiles. I was talking about brain maturity difference between 17 and 18.
Is an 18 year old an adult, physically or mentally?
I wasnt using the crime, which I never defended are argued for. OBVIOUSLY its wrong to sleep with students.
As it should. But, yea, thats my point. It has SOMETHING to do with the suicide.
?? I never said it was legal to sleep with students in canada. I was talking about AOC.
Not true. As I was telling another commenter, the brain develops until the late 20s early 30s, but the primary development (problem solving, self awareness) is done by the late teens.
Where are you getting your information from about the suicide, since you know for a fact that my assumption is false and your presumption is true?
Is it? Because a quick glance at the comments seems to imply otherwise, or at least disparities (in your TX example, it gives an exemption if the parties are married).
Yes but the brain development has to do with hormonal maturity, not self awareness.
Hmm, this may be your experience.
How the fuck was I supposed to know Texas penal law on teacher relations?
Did you not read the part about the SUICIDE? Why else do you think that teacher committing suicide, if not due to avoid living as a sex offender?