
When you are on the clock you represent your employers company. How would it look to have a headline in Kotaku and every other game studio "TURTLE ROCK DEV AGREES WITH RACIST DONALD STERLING, SAYS HE IS A VICTIM"?

I think people are just playing stupid when they harp on about 'freedom of speech' protecting this guy. I just want to ask them, "what job do you have that you can say anything offensive to anyone and not suffer consequences?"

Freedom of speech applies to GOVERNMENT trying to punish speech. Not private employers. Think Im wrong? Call your boss the C word, then when you get fired claim your "freedom of speech" has been violated.

He was being sarcastic.

Depends on which people. Not racist people = yes. Racist people = No. But then they wouldnt be at any time.

:Braces for inevitable nerd-racist rage at the thought of black characters playing traditionally white characters:

You are just making up numbers because White people are 4x the population of blacks.

HOWEVER, if you tail 1000 black people and 1000 white people, you will find more criminals in the black ones.

WOW, you dont even get the mathematical term 'random' correct.

DUDE, you have like 4 handles with ONE SINGLE POST responding to this guys single comment. You know we can just click your name and see your are a single-post dup burner account, right?

Coming from a guy named after a sheriff who felt all brown people were criminal subhumans to be treated like the nazis did nongermans.

Strom Thurmond. Clive Bundy. Rush Limbaugh. Sean Hannity. Hal Turner. Don Black. Michael Savage. Jesse Helms. Ted Cruz. Rick Perry. Shall I go on?

Yea, your totally a democrat in favor of racism from republican billionaires towards blacks and abuse of women. WE TOTALLY BELIEVE YOU BRO because you said "as a democrat!" I mean, it is the internet, right!

When you say "go fuck yourself" you really mean: "nigras iz sub humanz and nawt worth re-spektun" right?

No, your example was as flawed as your reasoning.

Percapita blacks DO NOT COMMIT MORE CRIME. Mathematically, that is impossible because

100% of your comments defend racism/police abuse/and pure right wing ignorance. Whats it like to be a gawker troll?

So racist troll then? Fine.

Is that your response as a troll or as just another racist/racism defender?

Yes...REPORTING racism is just as bad as BEING RACIST. Roger that. Carry on with that good ol southern logic!