So, would I be out of line if I took this as the female version of what men are thinking when they hear their neighbors have sex?
So, would I be out of line if I took this as the female version of what men are thinking when they hear their neighbors have sex?
Some PLEASE create a new faux-fashion scene for the idiot hipster phase can die. Every generations 'stylistic' phase is worst than the last. Modern Hipsters are worst than preppypunks, who were worst than the metrosexuals, who were worst than the urbantruckers, who were worst than emos who were worst than goths, who…
This doesnt surprise me at all. 10 years ago the police chief of the city of Tacoma Washington, after beating his wife for 13 years, murdered her and them shot himself. The wife had made hundreds of attempts to complain to police and prosecutors, who routinely denied her calls for help and covered for the officer.…
The stonewalling is the chief indicator IMO. Some types of people are hugely prone to the other 3 things (I dont want to call them assholes...but lets face it, most of us have dated an asshole or two, male or female). Also some people are just too nice for the top 3, but withdrawing is the one thing that assholes…
Is it sexist to say that this kind of thing is FAR FAR FAR more common than many feminists actually realize?
Good luck with that list then. Im sure that guy is out there and looking for just the type of woman that would have a list of his characteristics that she wants. I mean, that wouldnt dare scare away 90% of men (particularly those with the characteristics she wants). /sarcasm
Not so 'awkward' when shes slamming a city or putting down men for not meeting her gender role expectations, is she?
Did not even think of that, good eye.
You could be right, but I always thought the PC game industry matured in the 90s when the first round of big PC games started moving to consoles.
Where did you read that? I can see the implication towards 'mostly black casts', which I dont really see the problem with considering 99% of (domestic) non sports games are mostly white and mostly male, but I dont see a 'blacks only' argument in the article.
Portal has an all female cast.
What? Ill tell you like I said to someone else:
You could be right, but the point of the article goes out the door if the guy (as many guys) holds on to the old masculine hetero intimacy mentality and refuses entry, which most men (including myself) probably would.
Saints row was not a previously established franchise, and L4D's original game had a black main character. Sorry, that argument fails.
Brief guy retort/example: Most/Many men dont really care for lists, and if they find out a women they are starting to date or has shown interest in them has something like this, its a huge red flag for future relationship consideration.
Something tells me if a guy (especially say, Seth Macfarlane) made the statement "God I really hate the women of New York, their uptight attitudes, the unlady-like way they carry themselves, and how they dont depend on men anymore", it would be lambasted (and rightfully so) as sexist. But because this woman was born…
[edited] nevermind.
Though I see the validation in this argument, I think women should be warned there is a SERIOUS risk of backfire to this type of plan. I dont mean "guy snaps and slaps you", I mean guy is not into it, does not like that you tried it and thus your relationship has just hit a huge bump (since many men place a LOT of…
It really gets annoying to see gamers complain and argue against diversity in gaming by saying "what difference does it make what color the character is" when articles like this are saying "why not have characters that arent white or asian for a change"? Or the oh so famous "there is no market for black lead games,…
Thats kind of a BS claim, because games with black leads seem to do fine (GTA San Andreas, L4Dead 2, Saints Row, Walking Dead).