Do I have a single example? I just gave three.
Do I have a single example? I just gave three.
This will not fit the 'men are bad and stupid' mantra going around in this subthread.
I went to grad school wherein most of my cohort-mates were women, and they fit the exact description you gave for men. Aggressive, posturing, 1-upping, narrow minding and utterly averse to alternate trains of thought. It was the first place since high school where I noticed a 'clique' that would talk about people…
You said it perfectly. Keep in mind most of these fanboys arent old enough to have even played classic Bliz games.
Have to agree with the consensus. Star Craft and Blizzard have fallen off the deep end to irrelevance. Instead of giving fans what they want, they went for the almighty dollar. When the original SC had all three storylines in one game, and was groundbreaking for its ease of access via lan play, not to mention a…
I wouldnt mind seeing another red faction reboot, going back to its FPS cave dwelling/social commentary roots. Though I may be alone, I still think the first two original red faction games were spiritual predecessors to Bioshock (and yes I know about System Shock).
Im still trying to wrap my head about why Sex MacFarlane is such an antichrist for making jokes about (women, jews, blacks, white people, asians, christians, muslims, the poor, the rich, conservatives)? Is it just ANYONE who makes a joke involving women or gay people is evil? Because I dont recall David Cross or…
No Bynum jesus? (It seems to have been taken down)
Um No. Also someone tell her she cant formulate 60% of her schtick around mocking black people, but covering it by claiming she used to only sleep with black men due to her looks and weight...continuing the oh-so-tired racist stereotype that black men will sleep with anything, especially overweight *trying not to…
The question I would have is to what rejection are we speaking? Rejection from a date request? Rejection from a follow up date/potential interest in relationship? Rejection from a sexual relationship/hook ups?
Story on minorities/women/LGBT individuals in gaming: Guaranteed to bring out the racists, the "I think we have too many black people/women/gays in gaming and we should have less" and the "Race doesnt matter, besides we all know black people complain too much and are the majority of criminals *a statistical lie…
So you being half black (or more explanatory, half white) means you get to determine what should be offensive to black people. Great news! Ill let the brothers and sisters know another not black person has made the decision of what our cultural norms should be/that he or she refuses to respect them because it doesnt…
Ill give part of that to you. But what would you say the percentages are? I would guess, on the issue of sexual past, no more than 1 in 2 white males hold that racist position.
Its not sexual choice, its contracting and money. The women (actually its usually their agents/pimps) are saying they dont do business with negros. Since when is that not racist?
To the people that think there is nothing wrong with this. Please take 10 minutes out of your day (an hour if you are a typical homogeneous hipsterite) and drive to the nearest black neighborhood. Find the first young black person you see (people most likely to use the term 'my nigga') and use the word in a sentence…
Enter the casual dismissal of racism in the industry by blaming it on "what the consumers are afraid of seeing" *as if 99% of porn watchers are racist white males*, or "maybe black men dont want to be in interracial scenes" *even though the majority of black performers/pornstars/whatever do half their work with…
You do realize that your comments here have not only delineated all white men to the standard of white men that you admit dating (racist and insecure), but youve also generalized black men from that same perspective (not all that in bed).