
Did you even read my response before "I dont believe in raysism"-trolled my comment?

Yes. Because white people should get to define what not white people find offensive/racist. Particularly when its other white people doing the potentially offensive/racist thing. Thanks for clearing that up!

Your descriptive disclaimer falls right into the first part of my reply. The "Im x and I dont have a problem with others disparaging x" fallacy.

Where on earth did you get that from my post? My point is take the faux 'racial outrage at PC' from white gamers-down a yard (or mile) or two.

There is a difference between finding something not meant to be offensive offensive and finding something that was either meant to be offending, or could reasonably be conscrewed as bigoted/crafted without attention to obvious offending characteristics.

Racism often includes offending people because of their race. Thats ok then?

Crafting an argument as if the concept of race doesnt exist, or that by pretending it doesnt will prevent others from acting as if it does in racism is either willful ignorance or purposeful deflection of racism.

But thats just the thing. Being offended is something that differs in standards from person to person, but purposefully offending someone, or acting in such a reckless manner that a reasonable human being would figure what you are doing is actively offensive is not defensable.

That is the dumbest reply Ive seen yet. YOU ARE NOT THE AUTHORITY ON WHATS NOT OFFENSIVE.

Ill say what I said to several others:

Ill say what I said to several others:

Ill say what I said to several others:

There is no such thing as a 'race card'. There is very much a such thing as 'racism'. Its revealed in every topic, employment (if you are black or hispanic, you will be paid less, less likely to be hired and most likely to be fired, no matter your qualifications), law enforcement (blacks are less likely to use

Ill say what I said to several others:

Lol, thats actually pretty awesome of a comment.

I am the arbiter of what I find offensive. You (and many white gamers) take the position that "its only offensive if WE *ie white people* say i is". African Americans, people sympathetic to african americans and individual african americans like myself am allowed to be offended by bigoted bullshit. Even if it is

"this is not racism.. your "people" introduced those words into the language.

Ill say what I said to several others:

So being racist is ok because anything is liable to offend anyone? Someone mocking someone else because of the color of their skin is roughly the same as, say, spitting on the sidewalk because they both can be seen as offensive?

"You know what? I can't control what offends other people. Something one person finds completely natural, normal or desirable may offend someone. Take for instance, gay marriage. Many people are offended by the idea of gay marriage. Does this mean that all the gay people must not fight for their right to marry because