"What does wealth have to do with complexion? You brought it up, you tell me. You're the one trying to convince us that whites are racist, and any disparate impact = RACISM!!!"
"What does wealth have to do with complexion? You brought it up, you tell me. You're the one trying to convince us that whites are racist, and any disparate impact = RACISM!!!"
Personally I CANT STAND IT when I see someone say "Well Im black and Im not offended". First of all, its the internet and anyone can say they are something that they arent. Ask a few Notre Dame football players.
" I'm not a psychic, I assumed when you said "fairer complexion" you were referring to the most affluent race in America - the ones doing the best in this country."
Still better than Nicki Minaj.
Not all the content on thedirty is nudes. And dontdatehimgirl was absolutely not about 'ragging on men who didnt do dishes'. It was basically the exact same commentary you see on thedirty, only aimed specifically at men by (rightfully or wrongfully) jaded women.
I know the act mentions race, but prior acts (and court cases) have modified the interpretation to be used if any person brought the issue to court on a race standard.
....I dont even know where to start on that. "Richest race in America"? First of all, thats not true. Second of all, what does that have to do with the subject? Youre attempt at a strawman set up did not even reach the halfway point. I mentioned nothing about asians. You did.
"Damn Asians, keeping the brown man down."
The standard of proof in all cases is preponderance of evidence. I am speaking directly of racial discrimination claims in employment, to which 'intent' has been made the standard rather than 'disparate impact'. The conservatives (and faux liberals) in the courts have been shifting away from impact to intent because…
Its as good a reason as any.
Did she mean Asian American or just Asian porn?
I think there is already an entire genre of asian made porn in Japan.
Good lord...thats a real thing? I always knew the porn industry was racist (going all the way back to the 80s) but I didnt know other races would be in on it.
Thats sad and scary for everyone involved. A 12 year old being goaded into sex and a 16 year old being paid for it. Im glad your bf turned out ok (it sounds like?).
Sadly, the racial aspect of the pay gap has yet to be addressed because the courts have set the standards of proof to be unnattainably high (intent). Short of your boss admitting they are paying less because of your race, its all but impossible to prove in many cases (and in some states, even IF your boss says that…
Seattle cops are not fine. They were just investigated by the DOJ and were shown to have horrible racism, sexism and corruption issues. Bellevue traffic cops were caught breaking into a mans house to arrest him. Seattle traffic cops were caught beating several (were talking almost in the hundreds) people for things…
Does this only apply to women, because (most) men dont seem to see it that way? The general theme for male virginity is "lose it as quick as you can, however you can." A lot of (straight) male virgins really dont care about 'emotional attachment' or 'romance', and would gladly fuck an unnattractive stranger they met…
But the Republican mantra is 'get the govt out of our personal lives'. I guess we can add 'Video Games' to that big list of exceptions (along with abortion, gay marriage, gender equality, racial equality, contraceptives, science in schools etc) that the party feels otherwise on.
I checked the site after reading about it, and here does not seem to be many more compromising photos of women than of men. Inf act, though Icant say for sure, half of the posts seem to be made by women angry at other women. Im not defending the site, its filled with virulent sexism, douchebag racism, and…
But that is the question? Why cant men be secretaries (or administrative assistants) or maids (or environmental management)? Particularly considering that women are increasingly doing the hiring for these positions?