
Yes, because we all know 99% of Black comedians shtick is pure usage of the N word. I mean, they dont tell jokes or anything, they just get on stage and yell the n-word over and over.

Someone needs to hug and shake the hands of Meredith Woerner for being brave enough to ask, point blank, about something the entire online community has talked about. Walking Dead's racial problem...and by problem, I mean near laughingly obvious stereotypical treatment and writing.

Dude, dont get mad at me that you posted a popular sexist meme with direct American historic racial overtones.

Everyones focusing on the East coast, but living in the pacific northwest were always told that the puget sound and islands form a barrier to great amounts of sea rising.

One glance and this story and I already knew trolls would flock to it with sexist comments and generalizations.

"When sexism trolling meets racism trolling"

How is Michionne a dick? This show and its depictions of the comics black characters has been a travesty.

Developers jumping ship

"Not well enough"?

"Most new cubans are blac + cubans are not much different than puerto ricans"?

Dude, already others have confirmed your perspective is biased. You tried to assert that all hispanics are the same and have the same cultural view. Anyone whos ever lived in Miami and NY or Miami and CA or TX can tell you this is nothing near the case.

Thank you! Had the same experience myself.

1. Yes, I know hispanics. I grew up in a mostly Mexican American city.

Are you sure its 'hispanics and asians' in general that 'hate blacks' or just the ones you socialize with? I also 'know quite a few' hispanics and asians. I live in an area thats about 1/4th Korean and Chinese. I grew up in a city that was 70% the south at that. Im sorry, but for the most part latinos

^ Ive been told by gf's of similar things being told to them. Not by strangers though (in the west and the north, thats pretty rare for such openness about that kind of thing), but by relatives.

Thank you for the recommendation. Youre the second person to tell me about 'Tough Guise'. Ill have to check it out.

^ I actually have. Or the infamous tactics where you park your car next to a white guy or woman or couple and as you are getting out, they walk back to their car to make sure it was locked or click their lock alert. Even people with 15 year old beater cars that arent in near as good shape as my own. It gets old quick.

The thing readers of Sil tend to forget in reading is that it was never one story. It was an epic composed of dozens of seperate stories all tied together by the Silmarils (at first) and their residual effects on those who coveted them and those that followed them (Feanor and the Noldor Elves, Morgoth and Sauron).

Im keeping hope alive!

So when this duology does well, would it be safe to start wishing for a Silmarillion movie FINALLY?