
And the winner for trollingest comment under the most recent tragedy is...

I cant speak for the 'sex club' environment, but as an African American male who has been in many (and currently is in) interracial relationships with white women, I can tell you the attitude from white men in places like clubs and bars or gyms or anywhere perceived to be a spot where men and women could be seeking to

WTF? Am I the only one who noticed the needless stereotypical 'slave speaking' black character in Copy Protection? WTF was that about? Its like the author just wanted to make a 'black joke' and stick it in the story somewhere.

I still dont buy the white skin concept. Just because a species lives in northern climates does not automatically result in white skin after a few thousand years. Inuits and Eskimos have been living in the Artic for longer than Europeans and have Dark skin. The Native Peoples of southern patagonia are said to have had

Since no one else is going to say it, I guess I will. Anyone else notice the Euro-Americanist Nationalism elements that Infinite focuses on, which are accurate for that time in America history, are direct reflections of 'certain political coalitions' in modern American politics?

Thank god someone said it.

:looks at half the replies:

Its a 'mistake' to cast a black guy as a white guy? How many nonwhite characters have been cast as white in recent years?

Depending on who you are, even in actual history he could be seen as a bad guy. If you are

Because we dont know if the neaderthal genes had anything to do with brain structure + 'behavior' is something that has more to do with nurture psychology than nature wiring, it would be far far pressed to assume neaderthal DNA has anything to do with differentiation in 'societal behavior'.

How would this work? Terry/Bruces arc from the show required one thing that cant be there in a continuation of Nolans batman...Bruce Wayne *with his company*. Also, there runs a risk of shark jumping when we start doing 'future' movies. On paper everyone loves dystopic futures, but look at the majority of dystopic