Josh Boulton

This is going round in circles, I give up.

Gah you beat me to it :(

I think signing them '-Boss' would be cooler than '-BO', but what do I know?

I'm undecided if that watch if gorgeous or really ugly. But cool features nonetheless.

I haven't seen that. But that's good I guess, thankfully it's a perfect fit for me and the squidgy bit is really nice :)

And whilst you're at it guys pick up a Uni Alpha Gel Shaka. These things are divine to write with!

The universe explodes. In the opposite direction.

They are great. I had some other Uni ones which you shook to bring down more lead with a gel-like squidgy grip. Writing nirvana.

Because the note would then also be scanned out. So if I have A and an exact copy, B, when A is scanned into a till then B can't also be put in until A has been scanned out. So even if there are multiple copies of the same note, they couldn't be used. Even if they weren't scanned out, if you had multiple notes being

No I think it's just the shape of the house is weird, it's not really made for these modern things :)

A Japanese friend brought me back several of these and similar variations, I can verify their awesomeness.

Wouldn't introducing them on notes completely stop people making fake ones? When you give a cashier a note it's scanned quickly and matched to a database of legal notes?

Yeah I was at around 2 as well, it's a massive difference even at 10Mb. Pity the router is a bit crap - only getting 30% at the other end of the house :(

I've just switched to Virgin and it's great. Paying for 10mbs but getting around 12 as well :)

Well you know, they do cost so much! Sorry, what's their reasoning again?

No you're right, I don't normally get caught.

Nice to know the tax money's being put to good use.

How good is burning paper for the atmosphere?

I specifically said "sizeable" not majority. I read every article that gets posted and as a reader I'm saying I don't think there's a need to post every single news article about Apple, which, ironically, is making it a middle-of-the-road tech blog.

Yeah but if you don't recycle then what happens to your waste? It goes to landfill or something, which is crap.