Josh Boulton

THIS is what this series should really be like. He tells us his 'hack' and then proceeds to expand on as to WHY he does that action or habit and how it fits into his life. Context makes this series so much deeper and satisfying. Would love to see more of that.

Everyone has different levels of clean and messy. I've seen clean people think their house is messy if not everything is put away that day. I've also seen people that just don't clean ever. My family always considers it courteous to clean if someone is coming over out of respect to that person, not out of fear of

Something it has in common with your reply.

Now playing

For the longest time, I always assumed a tailor was an expensive thing that only rich people needed. Then, I had no choice but to get some pants tailored. I went in, did the measurements, waited for him to sew them up, and got a bill for $8. That's $8 to make a pair of pants fit considerably better. Since then, I've

Wondering if sometimes a featured workspace could include workers. You know, people. This photograph is beautifully produced and wonderfully inviting. The idea of a workspace for two is splendid. It breaks down with the desktop being centered between the two chairs. The simple notebook opened with one pen. No phones.

How about just, you know, waiting? Looking around and experiencing the world you inhabit? Not every single second of the day needs to be crammed full of stimulus and productivity.

I usually spend those periods of time enjoying the quiet and letting my mind wander. My attention is pulled in so many directions for most of the day; I don't really need to cram in one more task during the 180 seconds I wait in line at the grocery store.

If you tidy up when the room is midlleing untidy this is not a good idea. Instead of tiding up properly you end up with a big mess in your "collection zone" which you resent having to search through every time you have lost something. The idea of sorting out your "collection zone" properly then quickly becomes a

The awesome/terrible thing is, I really can't tell if you are kidding or not.

Nope. They have the position budgeted, they know what you're worth to them, and they know what they're willing to pay.

I'd like to write for PastLifeHacker, with headlines such as "Electricity: Witch's Magic or African Voodoo", "How To Use Indoor Plumbing And Why It Might Kill You", "The Blacksmith Tools Everyone Needs To Own", "101 Uses For Horse Shoes", and "Ug - Me Make Circle. Call Wheel".


I think a problem I see with many parents is just punishing a child without actually explaining why something they did was wrong. A simple "no" or "stop" will work for one occasion when paired with a punishment (whatever the preference), then the child will repeat the behavior again later on. My son is only three, but

Spanking = teaching a kid you can get what you want with violence.

The PiTFT Mini Kit: This little $35 accessory adds a tiny 2.8" touchscreen to your Raspberry Pi. It sounds kind of goofy, but it's actually a pretty great way to instantly see what your doing, and the possibilities for various projects are pretty endless for it. It's obviously low-res, but still, $35 to add a

This is great! So good for the UK and EU based readers who love but for whom some articles are not applicable (web-services with geographic constraints; deals that are only valid in US), or less relevant because of social differences (like a lot of the advice about getting and keeping a job - the

I'm not saying you're wrong, but it would be more helpful to say why one shouldn't do this.

Meh, it's not so bad. My wife just wants to know that I'm not bleeding out in a ditch on the way home.