Josh Boulton

Yes, only when it's significant to the a sizeable portion of the readership and doesn't bring down their site anymore.

It's sort of a self-fulfilling prophecy, you post so many posts about RIM products are bad that whatever they do people'll stop buying them. When the iPhone was released there were no apps at all, they should have sorted it out by now but give them time... They have had their fair-share of chances, I admit.

4.0 slowdown issues were fixed on the 3G? Er, sorry, you don't know what you're talking about, whatever you sell.

All the Macs bar the Air ship with disks?

I saw a tutorial for burning it to a CD, I'll try and find the link for you. I think a recovery partition is made though.

sallright i haz stacks and dat

To be honest, if I'd seen that on facebook I'd have replied with exactly that.

Or buy an ammo box and some bubblewrap for $10.

I don't think people should complain in this situation, but there's a difference between "I really appreciate this new feature x but I was wondering if it'd be possible to do y" and "SWEET JESUS APPLE SUCKS WE DESERVE FREE IPODS ITS A HUMAN RIGHT."

Her PR confirmed it's not a new book, I think.

I can understand why people may be disappointed about the offer, I just don't think it's justified to complain. And I disagree about the money being worthless (although Apple get 30% back so it's better for them), most of the decent apps on the Mac Store are around the $10-$15 mark, and it's nice to support

That is true, this one just stands out more than others.

Yeah sure, in my books I'd give a 6 if I got fine service but it wasn't exceptional. By no means would I consider it a bad rating.

Surely if you go out of the way to make it objective it then itself becomes subjective though?

Er, no.

I'm actually glad that they have to go to the management if they receive a bad rating, shows Apple is actually listening to customers and is taking on what they're saying.

Subjective interpretations? Can you have interpretations which aren't subjective?

Hot chocolate is by far the best :)

I'm saying that when people start complaining they're not getting free iPods, they need to take a good look at themselves. A Mac is by no means a right, there are plenty of good alternatives out there. I'll admit, I have several but I don't see why anyone should feel the need to complain at this offer.