Josh Boulton

You can set up a filter so that all email that arrives at is labelled or marked as read, sent to spam, archived etc.

I guess you could potentially see what had been opened/clicked if you had access to the computer and were logged in.

That's what I do. Always make comments early in the morning or late at night when sleep issues can be blamed :)

Oh yes. *blushes*

I've been with the PlayStation and PSP since they first came out, but my loyalty is definitely slipping. The only thing that keeps you tied to the platform is the network, and if that's not reliable then nothing'll stop me moving when I get a new console.

When I got my PSP on launch I'd never seen a UMD before. I spent like two hours trying to open it to get the disk out to use it >.<

My internet's so slow it's normally quicker to have it shipped anyway :/

I doubt it will be a paid update, I'm just saying that was a silly statement.

If they'd sent the list privately it wouldn't have got coverage - and it should have. Releasing only the names, or the details of the Sony staff would've been a better idea.

I'm a massive Sony fan but am really getting pissed at them right now. Surely an immediate independent security review of all their products should have been undertaken the moment the PSN was compromised?

I prefer the British one from a few days ago, they almost closed down the motorway and had a police helicopter and marksmen on what they thought was a tiger. When the helicopter landed and blew it over than realised it was fake.

It's Gizmodo, it's safe to assume everything will be Apple or iCloud related for the next week.

You won't get free bottled water, but they'll always give you a jug/glass of tap water with a bit of ice and lemon if you ask.

They always try and rip you off with drinks. I was at a bar a few nights ago with a group of lawyers and the drinks arrived - they were full with ice and barely nothing else in them. We were told 'that if we wanted less ice we'd have to buy a double drink', didn't go down well.

It turns the iMac into a pumpkin at midnight.

iOS has been free since 4.0

And did they get the intern doing the graphics for this one?

They'll make it compatible with 3GS for the first few updates, just to make it unbearably slow and make you buy some new iOS5 apps, then they'll leave you there with an iPhone that's incredibly laggy and overheats.

I reckon it's 60:40 in favour of the iPhone. But there are building up a lot of hype for this iCloud thing, which worries me slightly. If it is announced then it will probably be only a minor upgrade else it'll steal the thunder from the other releases.

You've got to give it to their marketing guys, they drop one or two things and tech blogs are posting everything about WWDC days before it starts.