Josh Boulton

He managed to film in airport?

He managed to film in an airport? But yeah, the only thing I remember about Denver was the massive line for security.

It's hardly covered up, just the base - and from the image it looks quite nice.

But people could create cases which have IR filters built in over the camera?

Taking a leaf out of Apple's books and trying to make a seamless experience across all the devices. Good for a tablet, maybe not for on a PC though?

I like how in the image for that story, the boys look like they're strangling each other.

People are willing to pay thousands and thousands on a computer and then you complain about spending $40 to stop it getting scratched?

But couldn't you just block/filter the sensor?

Writing 16,000 characters? That's going to take an hour or so tops.

So if someone steals something that's easily replaceable it's fine? Potentially this guy could have all his family photos on here, scans of important documents like a passport, birth certificate and SSN etc.

That would be a good argument if the point of prison was to make money. You think all those rapists and murderers are there because it's a worthwhile economic investment?

The LED still goes on - otherwise people could just make a virus to watch and take photographs constantly. Cause the world's weird like that.

There's not - but it literally goes on for about a half second when using this software - if you weren't aware of it you'd assume it was just the screen or you're seeing things.

Often thefts cross jurisdictions and I imagine there's a lot more work and evidence needed than having a photo/location data which probably can't be proven to be real.

It's fine - it's obvious it was meant times smaller. "The small orange is two times smaller than the big orange. The big orange is two times larger than the small orange."

And in other news... there is none. No, looks like we're going back to who owns domains.

If you do manage to get it working though, make sure you back up all your data and whatnot so you're ready to move to a new console when it finally goes.

That's exactly what I thought when I saw the title, just have the screen rotate every time. And getting the combination exactly right but the wrong way would temporarily lock the phone, so you can't try it every way.

I agree, spotlight and cmd-tab to switch apps. I leave them pretty much all of them open anyway.

That's really awesome. Anyone know of a method of getting it all done on the Mac?