
Hotlining someone, in the state I am currently in, is calling children’s division of abuse and neglect. As a teacher, I am a mandatory reporter and I have had to make that call a small number of times. You give the details as you know them and let the agency handle the investigation.  

Thanks for sharing this, I’m sure most of us would have no idea what to do if this happened to us or a family member.

I thought “high and tight” referred to the haircut. I didn’t realize it was an option for pants, too.

If you don’t think he typed this post on one knee, you are crazy. 

I like people that didn’t pick up a ball off the ground and dunk it into their beer.

Why do you hate the military and America?

To paraphrase Micheal Che, Gohmert and Jordan using the troubled past of some of the accusers as a bludgeon to impugn their testimony is kind of like looking at someone you molested when they were a child, and saying “boy, did you turn out weird!”

The doctor they are accusing of these acts committed suicide 13 years ago,

Wow! He even worked Hillary & Obama in there!  

Pop’s final words to Parker was a simple request, “Please don’t put that motherfucker Kawhi on blast until we trade him.”

The saddest part of this comment is that there are more MSU grads than would care to admit it that they are pissed off they got left out of your comment.

My faith in the party of personal responsibility is starting to be slightly shaken

The Penn State vs. Ohio State rivalry knows no bounds. 

This guy clearly deserves to be the next GOP Speaker of the House - he’s been living the Hastert Rule since well before he entered Congress. 

This will go on my Mount Rushmore of Times I’ve Been Owned Online

 Because you are Bill Simmons, sir.

As a Spurs fan, I am ok with getting nothing for him.  Let him sit out the year and then sign to play with LeBron when LeBron is 35 and dwindling.

Why does this all feel like a late ‘80s/early ‘90s teen comedy about a tight-knit group of outsidery friends that face a dilemma when one member of the group gets invited to hang out with/date the cool kids and ditches his old dorky buddies, only to realize life being popular isn’t what it was made out to be, and

There was a psychologist who was interviewed frequently around the time of the election who said that the best indicator of whether someone was a Trump supporter wasn’t race, income, or education. It was whether the person was an authoritarian. 

I don’t understand how people keep doing this and not think about it might ruin their lives.