
I love when people say: “Well, fascism will never take root now like it did with the Nazi’s because everybody is so much more connected and well informed with the internet!”

Why does Gab, the neo-Nazi Twitter alternative, even have a Twitter account?

I like you. You should have a cookie, and then some soup.

*I feel you (except for the extremely stoned; I’m too old for that type of comfort)*

Steps for using Twitter properly:

Social media tech is a disease that vectors fascism.

This is the only take.

There are many white dude trolls that run tons of sock puppets and bots which allows them to mass report a post, immediately jumping it to the head of the line.

Twitter is a troll and bot riddled shit hole that protects violent abusive white men over all else because they are the only ones keeping it relevant as it’s certainly not making a profit.

Everyone should leave that trash hole, you will feel better once you have.

Twitter is garbage and people should stop using it.

How many times is Twitter, Facebook, and the tech sector writ large going to give a barely-under-the-table thumbs up to racists, fascists, holocaust deniers, and anti-Semites before we just start openly acknowledging the constant, predictable pattern?

I *love* how those who constantly “go low” are the first ones to

What did you think was going to happen? You should have written

Why does the Trump administration hate free market capitalism?

<cough> Robin Arryn

A policy that means that many of these people will never see their children again because no system of registration was put in place before this policy was implemented. Can you for one moment imagine how awful that must be? Can you imagine how callous you’d need to be to simply not care?

You do realize that there’s no way Obama could have touched this issue with a 10 foot pole, right? If ANYONE in the Obama administration had gone on record about maybe being a little lenient on immigration, Sean Hannity would have staged a goddamn coup. The right has been conflating all immigration with MS13 gangs

Why won’t Congress and the President investigate the rumor that I just started that Stephen Miller is eating some of these babies? That, since college, he has frequently enjoyed the taste of Latino baby flesh? #lockhimup #buthiscannibalism #theyhavefakenewsihavefakenews

Kill yourself

Ordinarily I’d say we shouldn’t engage in petty tactics like this and remain above the fray, but...