
“I had to kiss a girl in a grade 1 play. It made me uncomfortable too. But not in any way that remotely conforms to the heartwrenching torture you think this girl endured.”

Her cabinet appointment is only a side gig she can use to boost the family fortune. She’s invested in charter schools, and made it harder to get out of predatory student loans. She also happens to own stock in the companies that collect the student debt. Just another GOP Christian profiting from human misery.

IE: Was it shot by Uday or Qusay?


I dunno.

Why would it not be a good thing for the sole opposition to an executive with aspirations to establish a military dictatorship - a theocratic one no less - being comprised of like minded individuals?

Think it over, Caspar. Take as much time as you need.

I went back and read your comment in John Cleese’s voice, and it made me very happy.

Nevermind, don’t bother replying. I did a quick search of your commenting history, and came up with these gems:

About half a dozen times. The collapse of the Federalist party early on is well known, there was a Broadway play recently that actually centered around it.

Jeffersons Republican party - later rebranded as what is presently called the Democratic one following the introduction of the popular vote - was the hegemon for

“Astounding your schools have failed you so badly - these principals aren’t rocket science.”

“Mainstream narrative?” Birtherism a bigoted lie designed to discredit the first black man to become President. People who traffick in it are no better than neo-Nazis and neo-Confederates.

If you don’t think someone using their fame to promote the Seth Rich conspiracy should be critiqued, we disagree. It’s not just a “speculation outside the mainstream narrative”, it’s disgusting.

Twitter is not a news source. And she doesn’t officially have the right to say anything on a medium run by a corporation. If Twitter wanted to ban her from expressing anything, they could. They won’t, and they’re many more monsters on Twitter that should be banned instead, but they can. And yes, if ABC had decided to

Wait. We are supposed to let vile people lie about horrible things and if we attack them for it we are like the inquisition? LOL. What the fuck?

Roseanne Barr started going off kilter when she started the whole repressed memory therapy thing and went around the talk show circuit saying her parents sexually abused her as a child in a Satanic sex cult.

It’s weird because that show was pretty socially left-leaning for the time, they were not afraid to dive into tricky social issues (not just the name-brand ones either) and the number of gay characters had to be unprecedented at that point. I don’t know what the 2018 Roseanne will bring, but that old Roseanne show

People who call other people “snowflakes” are the real Snowflakes.

I honestly think this is a great idea that will be strangled in its crib.

They got hurt on the job, got hooked on oxy, lost that job, oxy ran out, turned to heroin and crime to support it.

She’s always been willing to be crude or some would say vulgar. Promoting hate is really different.

This would be more exciting if Roseanne herself hadn’t become a vile person in the intervening year.

Not to say that Elizabeth Warren has any native heritage to find, but I’m surprised so many people seem to have so much faith in these DNA tests. People treat the most like they’re solid science, but they’re barely more trustworthy than your horoscope. You can get different results depending on which company you