
"The blacks" need to get in line behind "the diabetics" and "the fans of Anthony Bourdain" and "the lactose intolerant" and "the ones with heart disease".

JLo gets all my sympathy. Shin splints are the WORST

They could've just tried to be "fashiony" and make them a very obvious color. That way when people would ask the answer is always "because fashion is art. You wouldn't understand."

I honestly didn't see that happen. The county I worked in was very good at seeing through that family-drama kind of thing. (But it's very progressive; I'm sure it happens to this day in some places.) The closest we came to that was usually young men starting to show signs of schizophrenia and their families got

No, that's called passive-aggressiveness and it's a dealbreaker for me. You're allowed to say no. You're allowed to do things in your own time, in your own way. You are not allowed to say you're going to do a thing and then just not bother or do it incorrectly on purpose so that I'll never ask you again. I don't

the blacks.

"The blacks" that I know (my family and friends, BTW), thought that it was sad that the old white lady didn't know when to shut up, made allowances for her age and historical background, and wished her well.

Judging by the amount of people I know on Facebook who were pissed about the way "the blacks" (I wish I was kidding, you guys, but I'm not) ruined PDee's career, I'd guess she'll find some success in her comeback. Among assholes, anyway.

So, the expiation period for racism or woman beating in the US seems to be about 12 months, though this only applies to rich people. Good to know. After that, provided you were already rich to start with, you're in the clear and you go back to your heart-clogging ways and more million dollar earnings.

a) i only ever want kanye to call me by my kinja handle

probably. BUT IT WILL BE HILARIOUS WHILE IT HAPPENS!!! i bet there's a whole week on putting studs on things, which i endorse.

Using your logic, no one can complain about climate change unless they are not doing ANYTHING to impact the client. Which would, indeed, require living in stone-age-era conditions.

I'd go with Your Royal Yeezness

I have visions of ducking behind a chair to avoid a flying dress dummy while Prof. Yeezy screams at me for designing a bright pink leather dress. "NO COLORS!!!!!"

I mean, I'm not going to try and defend the celebrity self-promotion machine. I just don't like the idea that someone's a hypocrite for wanting to change a broken, unsustainable system just because they themselves are a part of that system. It's like when Warren Buffet was talking about the low tax burden on the

I remember a stand-up comedian's line (Margaret Cho? not sure) - "If I looked like that, I'd be shopping in the frozen food aisle, naked and in heels!"

(This has been a PSA from "the olds".)

Yes! That voice is like nails on a chalkboard!!!


I know a lot of people (even around here) argue against taking any nude selfies if you don't want them leaked (dumb). I personally don't have any nudes of myself. BUT IF I LOOKED LIKE AMBER HEARD I DAMN SURE WOULD.