
I'd rather have a love letter to the Normandy from ME1 tbh.

Employee: Hello, A-1 Landscaping, how can we help you?

House Bucharest

The Princess Boid

Since Its related to memes

...displaying the number 31.

GUYS NAMED SCOTT. This is so true I made the villain of my damn book a Scott. Fuck you, Scotts. You know why.

Why does this look like a Skyrim mod to me?

Take it away, Jean-Ralphio!

Now playing

Obligatory. Watch this instead. Jen Kwok's hilarious "Date An Asian."

I learned something new today! Although not sure if I wanted to know...



I'm having FISH-erman tonight!!!

Only a few are brave enough to hunt the great Sharknado.

Anna was originally charged with a hit, but it was later ruled an error.

Dude so can we like smoke pot while smoking pot in the game? That's like POTCEPTION MAAAAAAN!

"No one is buying missiles. We need to script the NPC's to buy them to stimulate demand."