
I think it's worth a play, though it's a good bit shorter than DA:O, and a lot smaller. The recycled environments make sense within the context of the game, but it curtails any interest you might have in replaying it. All the same, I thought it was a pretty interesting experiment, even if it didn't all work.

Damn. Knew I'd mess it up somehow.

The Bjørn Identity.

It's not really new per se—and look, people can do what they want to their own bodies. There are articles in Korean introducing liptail surgery that date several years back. Here's one from 2011, for example.

So wishes do come true?

I worked maintenance at a pretty big (for my town) apartment building for a few years. The most fun I've ever had was the summer my boss and I swapped out all the screens on all the windows. Nothing near as dangerous as this, but working the higher floors, you could feel the wind in your hair, and the sun on your

Not if you do any sidequests or DLC.

Now that I have a daughter, I can't help but notice how much even regular girls' clothing (i.e. clothing that isn't the equivalent of that "Asian Girlz" video) relies on imagery of things that are either meant to be consumed (mostly food) or things that are ephemeral (like flowers); while boys' clothing has none of

Ha, you beat me to it. All the assets look the same, don't they?

This looks like a Skyrim mod.

At first I thought the bleach-blond guy was Ben Stiller with fake plugs, and I thought, Oh, it's a Ben Stiller spoof video. Then I got a better look at him.

Wow, usually you have to wait until the end of a song to get to the line "buttfuckin' all night."

I wonder if the Kinect 2.0 will also be able to accommodate being stuffed into a cabinet, because that's where all my devices have to go in order to actually fit in my living room.

I'm hoping they only let him walk so that he could die in a fire.

Is this game EVER coming out? Kotaku showed a gameplay video for this game almost five years ago, didn't they?

God, I hope you're wrong about the price. 1000 Euros is what, about $1300?

I miss the days when companies used to make things that people wanted to buy because they were useful and good, instead of what this seems to be: a way for companies to learn more about you. Whatever else is true, datamining your customers to death doesn't sound like sound business practice to me.

By unplugging it from the wall maybe?

One thing that confuses me is the necessary Kinect requirement. Leigh Alexander made a great point, when she says that Microsoft seems not to want to cater to a customer (which is what a business ideally should do), but to shape us all into their version of an "ideal customer" who, more likely than not lives in a big

1.) I'm seriously not sure, because I don't fully know/ understand what they mean by "you have to connect to the internet every now and then."