
Im just confused/bothered by James Franco.

"I bring you looovveee..."

As a PS3 owner, no big deal.

Computers have existed for a while. I think the wonderment has worn off; not for you, though.


Why on earth would anyone want to ban the cutest hairstyle in the whole world?

Police released a sketch of the suspect

(*Bumps head and is knocked unconscious while descending into nerd bliss. Falls face down and drowns in Mountain Dew. There are Cheetos floating in the Mountain Dew.*)

(*Descends into a state of Nerd Bliss*) ^.^

oh my lord.....

Can you have a console without any new first-person shooters?

There's always money in the banana stand...

There's something about this article that just absolutely rubs me the wrong way. I don't know if its the fact that I've been sexually harassed at work for almost a year now and the man has only gotten a light slap on the wrists or if this article seems to pander to bros on a site that specifies that its for women in

Who else thinks those neck rolls are packed with money?

The ramshackle addition of your perfect choice of Kotick face is worth every penny. Can't stop laughing.

...and there's these things called liver and kidneys.

You already have a way to get toxins out of your digestive system. It's called "pooping."