
Glad Lee was able to get to play again, and well done to Special Effect for making it work. Though personally, I'd like to see Sony, Microsoft and Nintendo incorporate control remapping on their consoles, so that disabled gamers like Lee could have one set-up that works for them, and be able to customise it for each

This is evidence of evolution in action.

Get an external Amiga RGB to VGA scandoubler. Connect to any PC monitor. Yeah, it sticks out the back like the old TV modulator the A500 came with, but at least you you can use all the screen modes the Amiga has to offer without flicker. I use one on my A500+, my A600 and A1200. You can switch from high-res in Amiga

Yeah, that'll work great once you dog decides to chase off after something and the leash gets snatched out of your hands.

I think the series lost it's way once the got to Waterslide '96. Wasn't the same after that.

Hey, I fucking loved Waterslide.

Micro Men was brilliant. Really good.

Europe is a massive market in it's own right. So is South America. Pretending two don't matter because they're not the US or Japan is either blithely ignorant or intentionally stupid.

Oh, you mean dolls.

So Spike Jonze is a whiney, pretentious git who's made another film with a shitty premise. Who knew?

You get to shoot Nazi's in the testicles and watch them explode. What's not to like? I personally, have shot Hitler through the scrotum over 400 times. Never. Gets. Old.

Exactly. Prison is to rehabilitate it's inmates, or remove those too dangerous to fit into society. It's not there to be an eye for an eye thing. And the idea that victim's and their families get to have some say in the punishment of a convicted criminal is just ridiculous.

That would explain the wand.

Not sure. Xperience? The cross media bar like on the PS3, PSP and some other Sony electronics? It made it's debut on the PSX.

My phone is an Xperia Play. I like it, but there's just not enough decent games on Android to make me want to play it all the time. I have a Nexus 7 tablet. Again, nice hardware, but a lack of really immersive games that I really want to dive back into again and again. I have a PSP Go, a 3DS and a PS Vita. They have

Unlikely. His console form is smaller than a real Mega Drive cartridge if you look at the 2nd photo.

Unlikely. Look at the 2nd photo - when Megatron is in Mega Drive form, he's smaller than a real Mega Drive controller.

I always hated how his arms were a different colour to his legs. Makes it look like he shaves them.

In the iQue's case, that's the entire console. It's a plug & play version of the N64, with games downloaded onto removable cards - rather like they dud with the Famicom Disk System in Japan.

Is there an officially licensed disc wallet for the PlayStation 3? I've got one for my PS1 and PS2 discs, just trying to find one for my PS3 discs as well. Oh, an an official Nintendo disc wallet for Wii discs. Any pointers in the right direction would be appriciated. Ebay seems devoid of such things.