
I miss him already.

Is this comment a joke?

This is mine:

Context be damned this is funny.

Hey bob, quick question, you don't happen to play Team Fortress 2 do you?

Being a good guy doesn't automatically make him friends with the Hulk.

He's lowering his carbon footprint.

He's trying to save the environment. Those gifs leave a HUGE carbon footprint.

Gotta agree with your sentiment. I first played the Fallout 3 and I simply can't get into the older games. Just not my cup of tea.

Gotta be honest - I totally agree with you. My rose-tinted glasses aren't strong enough to enjoy FO1/2. That said, 3/NV are 2 of my most favourite games of all time.

Now playing

Yeah, or more specifically, they had various things in the environment that would emit musical sounds that'd make music and even harmonize with one another, like the lasers below. That was all Mike Morasky, that dude is serious business.

Yeah, she is, have you ever even played TF2?

hi, I'm Eli and I endorse Bobsplosion brand gifs!

I'd tell you to ask the last guy to say it, but he's not exactly in any condition to talk.

That would be wise.

That one is completely legit. I saw that in GameStop Asematunneli in Helsinki two weeks ago.

Psst... He's being sarcastic. Get with the program; it's old to hate on bronies.

I can confirm this.

They're poking fun at the trailer where the four of them are just standing at the top of the building, doing nothing.