Sir Blackington

Requisite comment: I love reading about Eve, but god damn I never want to play it.

The captions make it weird, they should all have just said “BWAAAAAAAAAH!!!!”

The current teams writing Joker and Harley have been pretty bad, and missing the point for years: their “relationship,” such as it is, is never over. That’s where the comedy and tragedy of it ring truest. And I don’t know who that is up there, but that isn’t the Joker. He’s some half-baked caricature of an abusive

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Go rewatch “Mad Love”. Harley captures Batman and has him at her mercy, Joker shows up because she’s not doing things right, and then throws her off like a 3 story window, leaving her battered on the street and her last words after falls are “My fault. I didn’t get the joke.” Cut forward to the last scene where she

I know it’ll never happen, but I keep hoping that Cassandra Cain (Batgirl III) would make a playable appearance in the arkham games. le sad...

You seem to be angry. Why don't you take a break and enjoy some fresh air?

I think you've had enough.

Ditto. I know Nintendo means well but seriously, seeing that message multiple times can get annoying. YES I'VE BEEN PLAYING FOR 24 HOURS SHUT UP NINTENDO UGH. But at least Pokémon doesn't do that.

should have given him a bicycle

What a sad situation. I feel about being a gamer the same way I feel about being an American, incredibly proud and equally ashamed.

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The new intro from the 2012 cartoon, which is coming up on it's third massive season, is actually my new fave. I LOVE this show. They did a really good job on the animation style, the voice actors, and the story. Get a major case of one-more-itis when I get behind a few episodes. Good mix of adult themes and

Why spotlight terrible artwork?

How to draw generic characters 101.

Party chat destroyed multiplayer," wrote a commenter on a recent Titanfall story. "Imagine the people who just started online gaming with Xbone and PS4. Who are they going to 'party chat' with?

I have those plates.

What's wrong with drawings of nearly nude women?

Yeah, I'm genuinely surprised by the amount of hype for this game already. Not that I don't think it'll be cool, but I can't help feeling like people's expectations for this game are already way beyond what they should be.

Nominating this thread as the official request thread for another Kirby's Dream Course game to mix the whimsy of Kirby with mini-golf (sort of; play the original to see what I mean).

Kirby's Dream Course 2