Reach was shit, it was so predicatble and I didn't care for any of teh characters except for the russian chick who had the coolest gear... THEN SHE DIED!... FUck this game
Reach was shit, it was so predicatble and I didn't care for any of teh characters except for the russian chick who had the coolest gear... THEN SHE DIED!... FUck this game
Sorry Luke, I hate your list... I hate everything about this list so much (you're cool though lololol) Here's mine (i'm ommitting halo 4 because I havent played it):
I kind of like that that noob hump you have to get across in some video games. It's almost like natural selection. You need to have what it takes to get through that kind of hell. I remember when I started playing sc1, god I was such a noob back then, but i persevered and just learnt how to play it. Gotta have an iron…
WROOOONGGGG, you def need to do some research
This is the truth
yea, but I didn't mind, it was so robust you could create some crazy levels on there. Plus it was PS2, so I'm not going to hold indoors only against them too much.
Personally I'd just take the first one. KH2 makes me want to vomit IMO
Time Splitters 2 had a GREAT level editor! I wish more games had that.
Lol-trocity right here...
I'm glad someone else noticed it toO!
My mother and I used to both work at the institute for advanced study. (I did summer work there during my high school), but my Mum worked there for a while, and catered to the professors that did research there, and the one she used to deal with on a regular basis had Einstein's office. I got to go in there a lot, its…
Piccolo destroyed it the best!!!!
I dunno because as we go back in time, games get harder (I think anyway). How long ago are you talking about. But I do agree that games hold players hands WAY too much. I get offended if a game asks me if I should switch to an easier mode.
thank god the people I played D&D with had imaginations. Its such a fantastic game, people bash it for being on paper, but.. you have infinite choice! All you need is imaaaaaaaaaaaaagination!
I got up to the 3rd episode. I really wanted it to be good... and then they gave him a motorcycle... that can shoot webs...
It's really a goddman shame too. EMH is one of the best cartoons to have come out in the past couple of years. So fantastic... Loeb needs to be thrown off a cliff... Did you see ultimate spiderman? It's garbage...
that movie came out like, 12 years ago!
hahaha goddamn genius