Sir Blackington

Well they don't feel like batman movies for the first part. I know he was going for the gritty, realistic feeling but i think he over did it. For example, all the villains are just some dude in a coat (Bane's coat being the fanciest of them all). They could have been switched with almost any villain and I feel we

I'm glad they is no directors cut... That movie was so weak

RESPECT!!! I used to do that as a kid. I haven't done it in a while though. So goodddddd

yea, the batman movies were so weak... The latest one.... I dont even know wtf that was....

Nintendo always closes out their systems with a Kirby game it seems which I have absolutely no problem with


the whole movie franchise is just filled with the wrong characters... They just kept getting progressively worse. I mean... you already have the characters written down for you. There is so much reference...

Respect to your whole comment, but I will say, her costume, is still pretty raw. I dont mind that she was pretty much naked the whole time, i mean her normal costume was pre—- nah you're right, she woulda looked a lil better in clothes


Waiting for the "everyone's favorite superhero re-imagined as clit-ticklers" article. Just me?

welllllllllll knife party and nero have been in the electronica game for AGESSSSSSS, and porter is only young, so it only makes sense. Have you seen him live? He's pretty raw. I also don't know why this is on kotaku.

WORD!!! TDKR totally dropped the ball. Prometheus, was... haha omg... just trash, with decent action, but the stupid scifi elements completely took me out., and when I say stupid scifi, I mean, scifi that is stupid as opposed to, me not liking scifi hahaha.

yea man, it just wasn't really good... i didn't really like any of the Dark Knight series. They're not batman movies. They're just police drama's that happen to have batman in them. The first one the best in my opinion, but that's not saying much

i mean, aside from all of what he said, it was still pretty awful. First thing i'd like to say is that batman was barely in the movie... he, just wasn't there. And why was everyone smarter than him? Why was their such terrible fight choreography? Bane's plan didn't make any sense... there's a whole list I have but

monster hunter?

Lol too bad the movie was terrible... I'm so glad the series is over... this game looks pretty weak too lol

I did that the exact same year, with the exact same game... probably on the same month hahah. I said to my friend, HEY CHECK IT OUT, and turned the xbox to show the little ring shift 90 degrees.... it wan't worth it...

Still doesn't change the fact that it's a bad show, there are plenty of shows on Disney that don't blow chunks as badly as this cartoon.

Xbox, Snes, PS2, Dreamcast, n64, and wii

He shits a constant stream...