What you say?
What you say?
> The main difference between Limbaugh and Maher (aside from
Dude your nick name totally confused me for a second...
Metal Gear?
This article is almost like a pinterest for pinterest sites...
Wow, if this is true I have 2 Mac's who's support will be dropped before the extended AppleCare warranties will run out...
Now, did they know he used a fake name before or after the warrant-less search???
Now is that a shield made of lasers, or a shield to block lasers???
There should be an "I'm Darth Nihilus" app...
"He tried to kill me with a forklift!"
Maybe we can start bidding on the patent? I'll start at $1...
The total package?
I wish it did, I sooo want to put Super Metroid on my iPad...
Any chance they could affix these lasers to sharks???
Why am I picturing Samuel L. Jackson reciting the title of this article???
I believe it's been out for a couple years now at least...
I had similar type issues back in the day on eBay... Before they automatically tied user Ids to auctions a lot of people seemingly didn't realize if a username had a number at the end of it, you can't just drop the number and expect to get the same person...
I thought it was aliens from the future who came back in time though a temporal portal...
Ah, I didn't realize it had been figured out... Thanks!!!
Will this allow me to install Lion on a Mac without having to install SL first?