Bobby T.

I like the Figma Metroid figures... I finally ponied up the money to buy one a few days ago...

My favorite game series has always been Metroid... I would not want to change the protagonist even if I could...

Of corse political bias also still plays a role... As evident by the fact that Obama's statement of full support of redistribution of wealth video also exists, yet is willfully ignored by many media outlets...

If eVoting machines were built to the standards of ATMs (as at least one major eVoting machine manufacturing makes ATMs) it might be different...

No... Being a software developer, I have absolutely no trust in electronic voting.

The bills state legal tender for all debts public and private, there is no little asterisk saying:

I do have tapes (rather 1 tape) I need to convert... I wouldn't pay $80 to do it though... I've been contemplating buying one of those USB cassette adapters (which would run around the same price), but have never felt it worth it for just the one tape...

I was reluctant to start using a password tracking program, but I gave 1password a try... Today I couldn't get by without it...

I use Twitterrific and only Twitterrific...

There is no way out of here...

It appears I can sync from iTunes the episodes from one of my podcasts that requires a password to login, however the iOS Podcast app gets an error if I try to get it to update or download from within the app itself...

I like my Harmony remotes...

I still have an original iPad and I pretty much figured it wouldn't run iOS 6 when iOS 5 came out...

I get the feeling 10.10 will bring on something wholly new...

Any word on if it has a den with lampshades made out of it's victims???

I bet someone went inside the Sphere...

It's been posted here a number of times already but Sneakers definitely gets my vote...

Any word on what impact this will have on the price of Welches???

Because being hit with a fine is much more alarming than being hit by a bus...