Bobby T.

Its always great news when the majority vote gets overthrown. Though the process takes way to long... We really need to just do away with elections all together and then let a single individual make all the decisions. It would save tons of money and prevent the need for all these long drawn out court rulings...

I've always wondered if a segway would benefit me... All be it, standing can be as difficult as walking for me so a wheelchair is ideally better...

Now they just need to come up with something that prevents broken image tags...

@rakrakrakrak: It's not great, but since learning that there is some weird conflict in StarCraft II, my video chip (9400M) and using a USB headset, I found it playable on lowest settings once said headset was removed...

@Meflakcannon: Actually I also learned for some reason currently using a USB headset with my specific graphics chip drops performance by 40%. I found its actually playable once I removed said USB adapter...

I still wish they supported PDF... I keep iBooks on my iPad solely for the PDF support... If Kindle added even limited support I would ditch iBooks all together...

Mac OS 10.6.4 has graphics issues that slows the game down on many models...

Are we certain no data is being transmitted? Ideally speaking now that they cap data, this could be a huge deal...

@Pesti-Esti: Did they send you the 11 cents???

I've been less worried about control and more worried about story and overall feel.

FlightTrack Pro has this as a buyable feature for iPad... nice feature to have...

College... And being me and some friends of mine worked in the computer labs we were on occasion able to utilize them after hours, which made for great LAN parties...

@tomsomething: This will likely work better now that iOS 4 is out, assuming bump supports multi-tasking...

I have my wife use it for groceries... She can type them in on her computer and if we end up going to the store unexpectedly we will always have a copy of the shopping list...

@Bobby T.: Thanks, I totally misunderstood what the exploit was about...

So am I getting this right: In order to hack the password you have to already have the password???

I got an email confirmation from BestBuy this morning indicating my purchase is ready for pickup...

@EnigmaticChemist: I would certainly hope they expand the others. The Wii would be more difficult since its still CD based, but they better add this to the 360 version...

I remember hypercard back in the day... It amazes me how virulent that app has been even though its original platform (pre-Mac OS X) has been out of the picture for years...

@ilhiker: Sorry, I realized my previous conclusion about the specific act being hypocritical wasn't entirely accurate.