Bobby T.

@ilhiker: People are taking my one liner way too seriously. .

Are you sure he was a skilled pilot?

When do they start lining up employees who try to stick with their iPhones in front of a firing squad?

I wonder if he can guarantee us that there is no possibility any of the 250,000 documents released could possibly save a life.

Me and a friend of mine managed to enable free play on MK3/UMK3 a few times... As much as we could figure, it could be done once per secret character unlock (once on mk3 or 3 times on umk3, but never any more than that)...

I wasn't having wifi issues on my iPad either...

I tend to hover my mouse over the content area I'm looking at primarily for scrolling purposes. It ensures the scroll wheel scrolls the proper content on the screen...

$99 for the device would be at the edge of my limit... Tripple digits puts it into the "I don't really need it that bad" category...

My gamestop mysteriously never has the pre-order bonuses. Like clockwork they indicate they didn't get them and take my name and number, then never call me back....


Any one know if the Contra code will work in this game?

The greatest quote ever...

That guy needs to check his email

@lineypi: More than I would like to deal with... Ideally speaking its something you get used to, its just a little odd when you are forced into having to use the legal name, especially in an online environment...

I still believe the Metroid Prime series is heavily under appreciated...

There is also always the case of Those with nick names...

is the fake lawn in the background supposed to be part of the experience???

Blocks zip files even if you have an app that is capable of handling them...

Super Metroid... PLEEASE!!!!
