
I like that a PC user can pick out the apple logo while the Apple cult can't.

Grounding fantastical characters in a more realistic universe is a great thing. It can bring a sense of relatability to the characters, a sense of immediate understanding of the stakes and the implications of these incredible things happening in a world we know very well. By starting with ground rules everybody

Fake time-lapse photo notwithstanding, Chloé's 3D printer crackers with herbs and mushrooms are pure fantasy. It takes a hell of a lot more than a couple days for herbs to sprout and mushrooms to grow from a fungal mass, they'd both need different growth mediums (which wouldn't necessarily even be edible) and

Husband: Um, can I tell people that our love burned too bright and too quickly? Kind of a Candle in the Wind deal?

Ummm... dunno them. Are gamer gators analagous to hungry hungry hippos?

What about Channing Taint-Yum?

The clinics should put and actual hoop on the floor and have the clients jump through it and call that the test.

Please can someone do a re-edit of Gotham called Gotham '66, adding POWs and the narrator in? That would be amazing.

I would have guessed cocaine

Hi, I just had post this reply so you could see it in your notifications. It appears some asshole has hacked into your Kinja account and is posting stupid and unnecessary contrarian posts with unnecessary semantics arguments.

This dude sounds like a complete dick. Does not care what other people think, and calls dumb shit out for being dumb. I like him.

Yoda/Chewie slashporn?

This one is actually my dad's story. So, my dad likes to drink Manhattans occasionally. My dad also sometimes likes to have a Perfect Manhattan, a standard variation on a Manhattan with equal parts dry and sweet vermouth rather than just sweet. It's not an unusual request.

I hate those fake sites. I always look like the jerk on Facebook when I bust the bubble and tell people that their post is fake.

What does this have to do with llamas?

If you pour enough crap on it, will it turn into a Hypercolor tee-shirt?