
Well I thought it was to lower his libido and kill his sex drive, so basically I suppose he'd still be nominally gay he just wouldn't do anything about it. He wouldn't really be straight though, just nothing really either way. But, no I don't think it worked as intended.

I quite enjoyed Marcus du Sautoy's 'The Story of Maths' as well. I think episode 4 (of 4) touches on some of this. Well a little anyway. Just an interested outsider though really.

Memories a little fuzzy and I didn't read that much Image, but 1963, The Maxx, Ministry of Space and Liberty Meadows (when it actually came out) weren't bad.

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Ok, (not your fault at all, but... ) why can't I seem to find a copy of Tom Baker reading 'The Iron Giant' anywhere? Surely there has to be a proper full recording of this somewhere ? Bah!

Maybe you had to catch it at the right time; I remember listening to the beginning (up to the point of first the cylinder landing on the common) in (primary) school at about 7? maybe 8 (I suspect I'm a little younger than you) and being asked to draw and describe what the aliens where like and what came next. I've

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I remember being taken to see Watership Down when I was... what, about 5? maybe 6 and having to be taken out before the end. I don't think it was so much the violence (might have been, not sure, bit hazy) as the bit where the black rabbit appears and it's very clear he's Death. That was the bit that got me the next

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Because they want you to use 4od or their official youtube streams, where (I think) they get money from the adds. Don't know if the attached video will work, but it should be the official version of the full ep. Ok, embedding disabled but it plays on youtube (in the UK). Oh well....

These two:

There's a history with Dc of the idea that our Earth is Earth Prime of a multiverse. Events on Earth's 1, 2, etc which where real to their inhabitants appeared as comic books on Earth Prime and characters occasionally travelled between them. So I suppose if the people of Earth prime knew this… [shrug] [

I took it to be a Sales Crisis (as in sliding), what with Events seeming to get bigger every year.

11. In a retcon during Infinite Crisis Max Lord turns evil and kills the Blue Beetle.

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