Ok, thumbs up doesn't work atm and I was holding off, but to agree with ^ it's from Warren Ellis's [Transmetropolitan] from DC/Vertigo.
Ok, thumbs up doesn't work atm and I was holding off, but to agree with ^ it's from Warren Ellis's [Transmetropolitan] from DC/Vertigo.
Thumbs up icon to approve still seems to be broken, so replying.
I can understand some distaste, but when I watched the vid after some shock/concern all I saw at about 10s in was a wonderful gorgeous cat. His good eye looking at me was enough. If he'd mewed that would have been it completely. I'm glad he has a good home and apart from the obvious, seems to be healthy. Ok, he's…
Replying to approve, partly to test something because the thumbs up doesn't seem to work.
I remember watching it on BBC2, fairly sure Virgin 1 showed it at least once as well before Sky bought and killed them. The only episode of Trek I remember there being any trouble with over here would be the Next Gen episode 'The high ground', but even that got shown eventually.
I'm curious what results you'd get if you tested other nationalities. Would the effect remain or weaken/disappear? If so would you see similar but non religious though processes/beliefs?
Well according to an article [nyteknik.se] (Google translation of a Swedish newpaper) linked to from the comments on [www.theregister.co.uk] a few days ago it will cost 500 Swedish Krona* a panel ($78?) and needs 1500 to cover the vehicle. So approx an additional $117,000 per vehicle, assuming I haven't made any…
Found this [www.michaelbach.de] one earlier while looking for a copy to try it with.
Do you mean the main mini series? I think it's out in October.
'Showcase Presents: AMBUSH BUG VOL. 1' [www.dccomics.com] collects most of the characters appearances. [Amazon.co.uk] are listing it for about ten quid atm.
Apparently (slightly to my surprise) it's on [www.hulu.com] as well.
It's on [4oD] and [youtube.com] , but chances are they won't work outside the UK.
Korean. Translation via [Reddit.com]
[Reddit.com] thread with translation(/s).
Had the same thought and after a quick search found these, fark.com and [pastebin.com] .
Well it depend's on the artists, but it's not really the same is it? So no, but a cover or tribute album seems reasonable.
I resisted 'And another thing' for years, but after listening to Radio 4's dramatised reading recently found I didn't hate it. It had it's moment's and generally wasn't that bad, I might even buy a copy and read it properly sometime. Bit too much Zaphod (nothing wrong with him, but small doses) and not enough Ford and…
Oaky doak, Sorry if I'm mistaken (it's really quite possible), but I think this film was paid for/produced by the Central Office of Information: [coi.gov.uk] on behalf of the Department of Health (government departments) and made by the advertising agency FCO Univas: [www.screenonline.org.uk] , then later shown on…
Ok, others have already replied saying the same thing, but I'd already looked it up to satisfy my own curiosity, so [shrugs]: Seems to be a bit of a mistranslation and/or words have changed meaning over time so according to a few places after a quick look it seems to mean bad plan, without counsel, or badly…