
Ok, it was nagging me, so I ran it through TinEye a couple of times and it looks like it might (and only might) be detail from a photo by Simen Johan. [link1] [link2] Then again I could just as easily be completely and utterly wrong and it could be a coincidence. Not sure.

Couldn't see it either so I did a quick search and I think this article: [] shows what it's supposed to look like. They've outlined it in red.

Steven Appleby! :) [] Good grief, I'd completely forgotten about that series, only ever caught part of a couple of episodes and was a little surprised by it. In a good way.

Answer me this, Rhod Gilbert's BBC Best Bit's (from his BBC Radio Wales show), Infinite monkey cage (when it's on), then a lot of the others I'd listen to have already been mentioned (the bugle) or I listen to live (various radio4). Used to be The Perfect Ten as well, but they recently called time on that, which is

Yes. Definitely this. I basically pvr everything and the few times I watch commercial channels live I always mute ad's (probably because my parents always did), so I still see them, but they lose a lot of their influence/annoyance. Bit obvious and may not be right for everyone, but works for me.

[McGann] I know, I know. If there was just some way of persuading him to do a brief cameo. Please?! Just a short little bit, you where great and never got a fair crack of the whip. Just one short little TV appearance for the 50th? Oh go on.... Please?

Unfortunately it's not looking good atm: [] which is a pity, but hey... [shrugs] at least he did the radio series. Article only mentions 2011 though, so who knows?...

And it's loss (from what I've heard [Google Video]Horizon:The man who lost his body(1997) ), is devastating, so yes it's a good word and I'm quite happy I have it as a sense. It's just something I 'spose you take for granted until you see what it would be like without it.

"Britain might actually have still been a peninsula attached to Europe

Ok, not the same as yours (vegas nerve stimulation? I need to wander off and do some reading, plus try to do that before just hitting submit) and also probably not quite exactly what the author had in mind. Ah well..... [sigh]

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Might not be the same thing, but I was going to say yes, I'm fairly sure a kind of early versions of 4 has been done. Jump to about 44min in of embed video (The Brain a secret history, Ep1 Mind Control) for the right section. Just put the implants on remote control and you're set...

Tested in ie7. You could always put it into gallery view with /gallery

Ooops. Missed a t out. Ah well.

Hmm.. Url looks like it should be: hxxp://

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The embedded player isn't working for me.