
@justvisiting: I was just going to post about Threads. I remember watching it in humanities at school, then having a discussion about how we would cope with a nuclear attack.

@8x10: Ok, if this was qi I'm expecting the siren to go off at any moment, but... Um...

@Belabras: Plants do both (respiration and photosynthesis) depending on (if I remember correctly), the presence of light. So when it's dark they take in oxygen and give out carbon dioxide. Very rusty on this though, that's about all I can remember atm.

I really shouldn't do this, but..

For flips sake. You really need to think about extending the edit period, because it ended as I was typing this...

@Wookielifeday: Some of it is around on torrents, (pillory me if you will, but isohunt has q7-8 atm. If the rights holders would please release it we could buy it, which would be preferable.) at least it was a few months ago. I think the first few series are lost though unfortunately.

Hhmm.....? Richard Lester?

@mkirkland: Well I got the impression that it was a combination of factors (pesticides, viral infections, veroa mites and loss of (variety of) habitat), but that's just from a couple of documentaries I linked to yesterday which I could easily be misremembering. []

@combatfetus: Yes, you're right, these where just the first two docs that came to mind about mass die-offs in bees and I maybe posted a bit quickly.

Not sure if these are relevant or out of date by now, but:

@TwistedChimp: I'm a tad older than you then since I was born in the seventies, and people have been complaining about repeats for as long as I can remember. The more things change :)

@RRRansom: Don't think they're going to back down on Ted being dead unfortunately.