
@Malcontent79: 'chary'? Never heard that word before and had to look it up. I'd have gone with 'leary' but that's probably regional slang with (maybe) a slightly different meaning. Wonder if it's an American word?

@Clutchman83: It's fta in the uk and there was a story about an elderly couple in china adopting abandoned disabled children when I switched over.

@crazylink84: I think that's Fire (Beatriz Da Costa, half of Fire and Ice), as to why they're flying... um... The Legion turned up unexpectedly and gave everyone flight rings for Christmas?

@Bobbobbins: Then again if I was in dalek command in the initial stages of the time war this is exactly what I'd want. Ignorance and denial of dalek power. Just before they wipe you from existence.

@ceti: Futarama?

@Luke Courtois: Yup, by any reasonable measure Davros wipes the floor with him. To the extend that the floor never actually gets to exist to begin with. Oh and by the time the fight happens everyone is already a dalek. Victory Davros.

@Luke Courtois: [edit] stuff is skrewing up and I seem to have double posted. Sorry...

@Greyhole: In terms of mad science I'd say Luthor wins. Still alive, has in various incarnations gone up against some of the most powerful beings of his universe (including but not limited to Superman) and won often enough to continue to run a massive corporation and have been President. Luthor has several decks worth

@TheMonkeyKing: We switched in the Uk last year(? I forget) and to be honest while it bothered me a little to begin with I don't really notice it anymore. You get used to it.

@Adam-H: I will and I'll probly post about it before its on so others know. No idea when its scheduled for though.

One hour doesn't really seem long enough though for the pilot though.

@Bryan Arendt: One of the reasons the IT Crowd (and a few other series) a have short runs is because of smaller writing teams (in it's case there's only one guy writing it), well and ok less money. So you get one or two peoples vision or (for a longer run) a group's. Both have their advantages and both should have

@Arken: [Impressed]