
@jackdavinci: Mostly met as far as I know in the current 26 part bi-weekly maxi series, Justice League: Generation Lost. Booster, Fire, Ice, Captain Atom, a Rocket Red and the new Blue Beetle are after Max Lord for well, being a git who went a bit mad, killed Ted, died, rose from the dead, wiped virtually everyones

Yay to Beetle and Booster.

@WookieLifeDay: I think people learn to ignore it and just get on with things.

@WookieLifeDay: That's just the tabloids. They hear unfounded gossip and rumor that'll sell papers and will happily print it for a bit then move on to the next thing. It's how they are, just have to take them with a pinch of salt.

Ok. Elo are generally great.

@Ala Owaineh: I know. I was just giving an example of one of the results for the rest of the uk of a 1m rise in sea level, least that was the general idea at the time. [shrugs]

I think with a 1m rise a lot of places will be gone if this site is accurate:

Well that's a bit of a disappointment.

@SilasAmphilochus: Don't want to turn this to a politics discussion, but a lot of people remember the last time the conservatives where in and still hold it against them. They'll probably win but with luck won't get too big a majority so getting stuff done will require more compromise. Things will still get done but

@samarkand: I can't really complain because that would make me a massive hypocrite, it's just money is a little tight atm (partly due to (imo) management screw ups and people not wanting the license to go up) and they're looking at cutting certain services and budgets atm so merch and dvd sales are appreciated.

@jetRink: Well, to quote old ads, its partly due to 'The Unique way the BBC is funded' its paid for out of the license fee for license fee payers and isn't supposed to make a profit so it doesn't directly compete with British commercial tv, but they have a commercial arm that runs magazines, BBC America etc and

@matthewabel: There have been all sorts of legal conflicts over the series for some time. If I remember correctly no one was entirely sure who owned the rights to what at various stages partly because Dez Skinn (publisher of Warrior and until a few years ago Comics International) May as it turned out later, while

@thekeith82: MM in main Marvel continuity misses the point so much it's not funny. It is.... A stupid idea.

@Bobbobins: Made loads of typos and the edit feature seems to be down. Flip.

@Chris Braak: Think the character was called Angela. It was when he got people in, like Sim and Gaiman to guest write issues.

So I read this and am still a little unclear. Are they reprinting the Warrior then later when Warrior ended, exclusively Eclipse comics run? Basically Moore then Gaimens runs, or is this older material?

@cantankerouc: I don't know for sure but while they don't seem to have the death penalty, (plus the joker is insane) I'm guessing hand guns are legal. If you know what the joker has done over several years and have just seem him do it again wouldn't the temptation be there to just shoot him?