
I would literally have a hard time thinking of a place that wasn’t uninhabitable or condemned that is less appealing to have sex than a ballpark.
Edit: Nope, Logan’s Roadhouse. I just did it. that was way easier than I thought. I apologize to Mr. Strawberry.

I don’t think this is that rare of a thing, actually. I watch a lot of Nationals games, and I think Jonathan Papelbon must do it too, as players instruct him to ‘get fucked’ all the time.


YES Tatiana Maslany!

Now playing

Call Your Girlfriend is amazing, but if we’re going all in on early 2010s Robyn, it’s all about Dancing On My Own:

For all the people who need an explanation on why “All lives matter” is racist: It is a direct refutation of the Black Lives Matter protest movement, which is not claiming black supremacy, but instead an implicit acknowledgment that black lives (also) matter.

Rebuttal: This Piano Is Fine

High-five for proper use of solfege.

Like an hour after launch. Would have been sooner but server issues

True story. My 9 year old daughter has been feeling bummed ever since she came back from summer camp. She’s been in the house doing nothing driving my wife insane. Yesterday I said let’s go outaide and catch Pokémon. My daughter got excited we went out, finally saw the light of day, and she was smiling again. The

These people are lying virgins.