This is a deeply underappreciated comment.
This is a deeply underappreciated comment.
Can we pitch in and get her a giant TV with a remote with giant buttons?
I’m a ski school dropout.
Uhhhhhhh I am way less than impressed with this. Gabi’s swimsuit line with Swimsuits For All also only goes up to a 24, which is really fucking insulting at this point, given the success of the line. I love that Premme’s entire line goes up to a size 30; why isn’t Gabi insisting that the designers she collaborates…
Very nice of Cosmo to celebrate the 2 year anniversary of the release of Emotion with that cover.
I’m really digging the gymnastics coverage, especially in non-Olympic years. Thank you!
I’m sitting here crying because for the first time in my life, I’m looking at a plus size clothing website and I see my body type on the screen in front of me. I was skeptical at first b/c of Gabi’s swimwear collection with Swimsuits For All (4 years running and it doesn’t go above a size 24? Come on.), but I’m a…
This show will do really, really well because married couples everywhere will watch this. That also means that my married couple friends will stop prying into my dating life. Overall, I think it’s a win.
Goddammit I just snorted at work.
Thank you for your service, Your Honor. We’re going to miss you.
If you haven’t seen her 7 Minutes in Heaven appearance, I highly recommend you remedy that now:
Your rights were basically forfeit the second you purchased the ticket. Passengers agree to being bumped (with compensation) whether they read the fine print or not. Dude probably should have read the fine print.The police shouldn’t have body slammed him.
damn this is a good website
omg that gif
What kind of snacks have y’all got in your nuclear bunkers?
Being fat =\= being unhealthy or dying young.
This is the best article in the history of deadspin dot com. More butt stuff, please.