
Seriously, man, how many girls had boyfriends? Like, a lot a lot? Double digits? Triple digits?

It's not her job to turn him into a person.

Oh man, you just added up all the women you were told had boyfriends, huh?

If I didn't ask to be hit on, why the fuck do I care if I'm hurting your feelings?

You seem like the type of guy women need to call security on.

Because oftentimes dudes have so little respect for women that they won't back off unless they know there is another dude involved.

Don't worry, the MRA boys aren't out of class yet.

Now playing

I couldn't get past the first couple lines without dancing.



Don't buy a girl a drink if you haven't talked to her yet. You see this shit in movies and it works, so maybe if you're George Clooney you can ignore this. But in real life it never works, it comes off as creepy and makes the girl feel uncomfortable. Talk to her first.

Awesome advice. Also, whatever you guys are paying Tara Jacoby, it is nowhere near enough.

Wouldn't be the first movie featuring Chris Messina's dick. 28 Hotel Rooms has lots of naked Messina.

An artist's depiction of Lily's editor hanging out in this comments section

