The only Harpo I know is Marx, he has curly hair and doesn't speak.
The only Harpo I know is Marx, he has curly hair and doesn't speak.
I think it was in a book I read about 10 years.
I can't remember where I read about it, but use the FOG principal. Is the information I been given a fact (we have done this before is took X), opinions (we did Y, which is similar and that took us X) and guesses (never done it before, but salesman thinks we can do it in X).
I think I just let out a little bit of wee.
When you say we, I take it you mean the royal we.
Why do we still have pubic hair? To remember the 70's and its dangerous fashions. Never forget!
Yep, that is the one. It also helped that it is was in the middle of the writers strike so not much work around. He was able to pick up some fantastic FX people on the cheap.
Moon was pretty much all physical effects IIRC.
I don't know, looks more One Ape-ish.
BRIAN!!!! BLESSED!!!! always to comes to mind when I see the Brave & the Bold Aquaman.
My wife was never allowed in the kitchen, I was encouraged.
We Met on an App Meant for Random Sex: How Do I Explain It to My Mom?
I remember using them when I worked in a hardware store when I was in school.
What's in a name?
Still catching up with Season 1. Just watched the episode where they try to scare the crap out of the kids.
I'm interested in watching the video, but my conscience and morals forbid me from giving the Daily Mail any views / hits.
You may make jokes about British teeth, but our health service has very reasonable charges if you don't qualify for 100% free.
In my day Whiskey made you frisky, beer made you queer.
When ever my wife sees something like this her first response is "why didn't you propose to me like that?"